hey guys much appreciated!
TLDR: My life story on the love hate relationship of my second passion (christ i'm so lonely). Oh and pictures.
Tbh i have a love hate relationship when it comes to drawing. Its my second biggest passion behind gaming. hell, gaming influenced drawing when i was a kid as me and my brother drew screenshots for existing games or made up ones. i generally never finished any of my pictures back then either because we got bored of them or because my dad would just write all over the picture as i kept it with all the paper on the dining table. I could have hidden it away, but i would draw on impulse as opposed to planned. But 2 did survive the purge and i scanned them to save the, I made these when i was in high school during my RTS phase:
i didn't really take drawing seriously until my uni years when i bothered to search online for learning material. The idea that art was some dark art that only those gifted had was erased and whereas my brother stopped drawing, i didn't i scoured the web for art tips, books, pdfs etc.
As i said originally its a love hate relationship. Truthfully i find very little joy doing it as 90% of the time its garbage and i find so many faults in a picture i drop it and move on. Always a critical eye on artwork and like my peers, we make encouraging comments before we criticize on its faults. I find it kinda hard to draw these days and spend more time practicing. I might start a thread here like my sketchings like i do on some sites just so people can see.
The biggest problem is time i only have weekends and maybe the odd hour here and there during week days to draw or study. you can thank games for that one. But i'm always cursed in drawing good/ok stuff one week before nose diving the next. Its a constant struggle one that leads to frequent disappointment. Every time i have an idea or visualize in my mind what it looks like when it comes out on paper its an absolute mockery of that dream and i feel bad. Most of my work is therefore made up as i go along which leads to much indecisive drawing and time wasting.
ok story times over. MORE pics.