New Game+ Mechanics

May 16, 2021
In Megaman Zero, Diablo, Dead Cells, and Slay the Spire, you beat the game, then you unlock hard mode.

In the Tales of Symphonia, you earn GRADE which you can spend on in the New Games+ shop, and play the game all over again.

In Disgaea, there's a cheat code that just... makes the whole game easier b/c you get a character with a gun added to your party. You either get to it by cheat code or finding one of the game's early Game Over screens.

In TWEWY and in Sonic Battle, you get an extra narrative story bit that fleshes out the story even more after you beat a chapter for the second time.

I'm wondering if there's some really cool new game mechanics out there.


Community Contributor
Oh, well speaking of The Last Remnant...

When you finish the game and start a new game plus, Rush (the main character), gets to start with access to all the spell lists he learned in the proper game. You also get a HUGE pile of money and components for crafting. And, naturally, all the enemies are much harder.

Thing is, this game lets you have a party of (eventually) eighteen characters in battle and the other characters are no stronger. Your fat wad of cash and components can be used to make end game weapons as soon as the shop opens - but only for Rush. Everyone else has to find their weapons and upgrades the same as always. So, correcting for 'monster inflation,' you've got one super character and a whole slew of weak characters - which pretty much balances out. (After that store opens. The first hour or two can be a killer.)

NieR:Automata kinda sorta has a "new game+" when you play through a second time but from 9S's perspective. It's really supposed to be part of the overall game, but it feels like a new game plus mode.
May 16, 2021
Oh, well speaking of The Last Remnant...

NieR:Automata kinda sorta has a "new game+" when you play through a second time but from 9S's perspective. It's really supposed to be part of the overall game, but it feels like a new game plus mode.
Oh, you know, I'm starting to remember something. Like... back in the old days, the way you unlocked new characters was by beating the game. Viewtiful Joe unlocked new costumes. I can't remember which game specifically... but I know this was 100% a thing way back then. It was really cool.

In Smash Melee... well you just unlocked a whole bunch of **** after playing anything in that game, not just after beating Adventure and Classic.