Question Need a new mouse. Need it big and heavy.

Apr 11, 2024
Hiya. Sorry to bother, but any1 has any decent suggestions for a bigger mouse? Currently using Corsair M65 pro and... Well, while i like the sensor on it, the size and weight are not where I'd like them to be. And yes - i run at max dpi in all games. If i move my mouse 2-3cm on the mousepad, cursor will move from one side of one screen to other side of 2nd screen. Been like that for the last 20 years or so. But the mouses seem to get smaller and lighter with years. Last good i enjoyed was r.a.t. 5.
Any suggestions?
Obviously, budget is a thing, too! 😂

Idk if the image pops up.. but yeah... Need something bigger and heavier.

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On a Journey
ultra light mice are the latest trend so it does make finding a new mouse difficult if you want a heavy mouse. People think my G502x is heavy and yet it lost weight compared to previous ones.
I guess it is when mice can weigh 60 grams now and it weighs 100.
Added weights are almost a thing of the past now.

this was my last one, it has weights but I never felt need to use them
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I have used the Logitech G502 for roughly 10 years in different varriants. A s Colif said, many consider it to be heavy and if you want it even eavyer you can just add the included weights.


On a Journey
There are too many G502 models.
There is the hero that has additional weights
which has a wireless model as well.

Then there is the G502 X which doesn't have any weights

which also has a wireless model (link not shown) which is the one I have.

So be careful which you choose.

502X is the newest and its lack of weights is a response to all the ultra lights. Logitech have ultra lights themselves. getting to point there is no mouse to grip onto.
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Apr 11, 2024
thank you for the suggestions, everyone! but the weight itself is half the problem, second half is the size. the pic uploaded doesn't really do the justice of the proportions of the palm vs the mouse.
but i am defo looking into all the suggestions. thank you, peeps!
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