Name the games


I saw this picture and figured it might be a fun challenge to see if we can identify every single UI element. Just name the element and which game it originates from. I do think there might be a couple of mobile ones in there, but we'll see how far we get.
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Nice !

Thats the Fallout 3 directional minimap thing in the bottom left.

Minecraft quick select tool bar

Xcom 2 targeting info in the middle.

Top info bar is Civilization (4?)

Witcher 3
Amulet and health bar upper mid left.

Stellaris Fleet info in the middle overlaying the Xcom target bar, I think.

Cities Skylines info bar on the far left

I could take a guess at some others but I dont really play those games.
Some good first answers/guesses, but there's still plenty more to go.

Thats the Fallout 3 directional minimap thing in the bottom left.

Minecraft quick select tool bar


Xcom 2 targeting info in the middle.

I'm pretty sure it's from XCOM: Enemy Unknown.

Top info bar is Civilization (4?)

Civ 5.

Witcher 3 Amulet and health bar upper mid left.

The Witcher 2. 3 is slightly more fancy.

Stellaris Fleet info in the middle overlaying the Xcom target bar, I think.

It doesn't look like anything from Stellaris as far as I know, but I wouldn't know what else it could be.

Cities Skylines info bar on the far left


GTA 3-ish looking upper right corner of money, time and MP5. Just naming one

I'm pretty sure that's from GTA: San Andreas.

Fallout 4 VATS

I thought it would be the Fallout 3 VATS since the bottom left is also Fallout 3, but it turns out that VATS looks exactly the same in both games. However, the Radscorpion health bar slightly above the middle of the screen is from Fallout 4, so the VATS is probably as well.

Portal crosshair.

Correct (as far as I'm aware the crosshair is the same for Portal and Portal 2).

Lego Star Wars active character portrait

Specifically LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga.

Team Fortress in the lower right?

Correct. As well as the blue and red in the top middle of the screen, including overtime counter.

i see terraria (the blue squares at the top)


eurotrucker simulator for the rear view mirror?

I think so.

battlefield 2042 for the map.

Do you mean the mini-map in the bottom right? Because as far as I can see Battlefield 2042's mini-map does not feature a grid. I have no idea what it could be though.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
CS:GO: Dust How do I know? Because it was the only map I grinded for weekly crates. The lower right looks like map from PUBG. If I were to guess, south of the Military base.
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Community Contributor
I have the observation skills of a drunken rock that has myopia, but I recognize one of the truck simulator games, Minecraft, one of the Fallouts and Rocket League. Maybe the percentage to hit thing is from XCOM. Oh, and Witcher 3 of course. I think there are items from both Truck Simulator games. As far as which fallout or xcom, I have no idea.
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to be slightly more specific, I believe that the map with the grid in the bottom right is one of the early Far Cry games. They always have their maps labeled like that, and I think that the GPS is one of the Truck Simulator games even though they have the mirror at the top left. It's something I've played, but I can't put my finger on it. I believe the boost meter is rocket league.
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the one with the A,B,C near the rear view mirror on the left.

I can't find a screenshot that matches that style of mini-map for Battlefield 2042.

CS:GO: Dust How do I know? Because it was the only map I grinded for weekly crates. The lower right looks like map from PUBG. If I were to guess, south of the Military base.

I assume you mean the buildings are from CS:GO: Dust? That does seem to fit.

Lower right map is indeed from PUBG.

to be slightly more specific, I believe that the map with the grid in the bottom right is one of the early Far Cry games. They always have their maps labeled like that, and I think that the GPS is one of the Truck Simulator games even though they have the mirror at the top left. It's something I've played, but I can't put my finger on it. I believe the boost meter is rocket league.

The GPS does seem to be a low quality, cropped image of the Euro Truck Simulator GPS.

The boost meter is indeed from Rocket League.

I'm surprised no one has pointed out the Half-Life element yet.
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Half-Life 2 health in the lower left

Outlaws health just above that

GTA V minimap just above that

Watch Dogs (2? Only one I've played) minimap above that one.

Watch Dogs 2 again over on the otherside with the car and boost meter around it

Postal 2 UI elements just above ETS2 GPS

Overwatch, Tracers guns

Think I'm spent

Edit: Hearts of Iron IV portraits just above fallout 3 health
Half-Life 2 health in the lower left


Outlaws health just above that

Outlaws from 1997? Because the screenshots I see from that game don't have a health meter like that.

GTA V minimap just above that

It looks very much like the GTA V minimap, especially the coloured bars underneath, but the arrow looks off and it's missing the pointer to where North is. The pointer might have been cropped out though.

Watch Dogs (2? Only one I've played) minimap above that one.

Watch Dogs 2 again over on the otherside with the car and boost meter around it

Both Watch Dogs 2, correct.


Postal 2 UI elements just above ETS2 GPS

Overwatch, Tracers guns

Edit: Hearts of Iron IV portraits just above fallout 3 health

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I have a couple more myself:

The "[G] to put on mask" at the top middle of the screen is from Payday 2, as is the "Escape Available" near the top left, underneath the LEGO portrait.

The white circle with an icon of a running man in the far top left is from Pokémon Go, as are the white circles with the backpack and camera at the right middle and the AR toggle a bit above those.

There's still quite a few elements to go though.
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