I decided to make a little comeback to Fallout 4. I finished the game for the second time last year, so I made a decision to heavily mod it. The final effect is quite next-gen, but I had trouble to find texture packs in such a good resolution as in the Skyrim case. This was mitigated by Apex ENB which implements a sharpening filter. Anyway, this time I decided to try Vortex Mod Manager instead of Mod Organizer 2. Now I somewhat understand why some people prefer it over MO2. It has a big disadvantage though. You can't easily pick mod load order if the app doesn't recognize them as conflicting.
Why is this a problem though? Let's take texture packs for example. On Nexus Mods you can find two types of these. Complete overhaul textures packed in the same format as original files and smaller packs which change only particular textures in the original texture packs. When I activate complete overhaul texture packs everything is obvious. The new textures replace the original ones. But what if I want to use complete overhaul packs and smaller ones simultaneously? In MO2 I can set to load the complete overhaul before the smaller ones. In Vortex I can't, at least not without a very time consuming method. So which textures are finally applied to the game? Vortex doesn't show any conflicts, but if you unpack the complete overhaul texture files, you'll find the same files inside that the smaller texture packs have. Is Vortex smart enough to recognize both and apply them in a proper order? I do hope so. I don't plan on modding the thing from scratch again in MO2.
Anyway, Fallout 4 is a quite stable game. This means that any stability patches are unnecessary. Basically, the only thing that the game needs from a technical point of view is uncapping the FPS and fixing broken physics (it's is a direct effect of uncapping the framerate). It also opens the possibility to accelerate map load times, but I decided to stick with default settings for now. Also keep in mind that I'm playing in survival mode (very hard mode, you can save only when interacting with beds). I also decided to unlock fast travel and install mods that change the character leveling system to a system that matches the one from previous Fallouts. Here's my list of mods:
Rendering and executable mods:
Fallout 4 Script Extender - necessary prerequisite for a lot of mods.
APEX ENB - it requires original Fallout 4 ENB files. I also had to increase the brightness of the ENB in the enbseries.ini to 1.0. The interiors are still dark though, so you might want to increase it even further. Also I decided to disable the blurring in the "enbeffectpostpass.fx" file that's in the "enbseries" folder. Without it the game looks awful when you look on the distant terrain.
Lighting and weather mods:
NAC X - basically a must have for APEX ENB.
Enhanced Lights and FX
Radiant Clouds and Fogs
Wateland Illumination
Texture packs:
Fallout 4 HD Overhaul
Flaconoil's Complete Retexture Project (Fomod 4K)
Church Walls 4K Retexture
4K Posters Retexture by Wolf7808
Gravel Redone 4K
Langleys HD Textures Workshop
Roads Redone 4K
NMC Texture Bundle (very high)
SavrenX HD Vanilla Landscape
Rubblerock Redone 4K
Vaultsuits UHD
Enhanced Blood Textures
Better Leaf Piles
Character progression system:
Be Exceptional - Skills and Perk Overhaul
Other mods:
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch
More Grass (medium)
Achievements Unlocker
Survival Mode Fast Travel Enabled
Vehicle Overhaul
FAR - Faraway Area Reform
WAVE - Wave Animation Vanilla Enhanced
That's it for now, but I'm planning to install even more mods.
As for the final effect... Behold!
I'll provide more screenshots later. Maybe I'll even record a video?
Why is this a problem though? Let's take texture packs for example. On Nexus Mods you can find two types of these. Complete overhaul textures packed in the same format as original files and smaller packs which change only particular textures in the original texture packs. When I activate complete overhaul texture packs everything is obvious. The new textures replace the original ones. But what if I want to use complete overhaul packs and smaller ones simultaneously? In MO2 I can set to load the complete overhaul before the smaller ones. In Vortex I can't, at least not without a very time consuming method. So which textures are finally applied to the game? Vortex doesn't show any conflicts, but if you unpack the complete overhaul texture files, you'll find the same files inside that the smaller texture packs have. Is Vortex smart enough to recognize both and apply them in a proper order? I do hope so. I don't plan on modding the thing from scratch again in MO2.
Anyway, Fallout 4 is a quite stable game. This means that any stability patches are unnecessary. Basically, the only thing that the game needs from a technical point of view is uncapping the FPS and fixing broken physics (it's is a direct effect of uncapping the framerate). It also opens the possibility to accelerate map load times, but I decided to stick with default settings for now. Also keep in mind that I'm playing in survival mode (very hard mode, you can save only when interacting with beds). I also decided to unlock fast travel and install mods that change the character leveling system to a system that matches the one from previous Fallouts. Here's my list of mods:
Rendering and executable mods:
Fallout 4 Script Extender - necessary prerequisite for a lot of mods.
APEX ENB - it requires original Fallout 4 ENB files. I also had to increase the brightness of the ENB in the enbseries.ini to 1.0. The interiors are still dark though, so you might want to increase it even further. Also I decided to disable the blurring in the "enbeffectpostpass.fx" file that's in the "enbseries" folder. Without it the game looks awful when you look on the distant terrain.
Lighting and weather mods:
NAC X - basically a must have for APEX ENB.
Enhanced Lights and FX
Radiant Clouds and Fogs
Wateland Illumination
Texture packs:
Fallout 4 HD Overhaul
Flaconoil's Complete Retexture Project (Fomod 4K)
Church Walls 4K Retexture
4K Posters Retexture by Wolf7808
Gravel Redone 4K
Langleys HD Textures Workshop
Roads Redone 4K
NMC Texture Bundle (very high)
SavrenX HD Vanilla Landscape
Rubblerock Redone 4K
Vaultsuits UHD
Enhanced Blood Textures
Better Leaf Piles
Character progression system:
Be Exceptional - Skills and Perk Overhaul
Other mods:
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch
More Grass (medium)
Achievements Unlocker
Survival Mode Fast Travel Enabled
Vehicle Overhaul
FAR - Faraway Area Reform
WAVE - Wave Animation Vanilla Enhanced
That's it for now, but I'm planning to install even more mods.

I'll provide more screenshots later. Maybe I'll even record a video?
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