Whether I invest in battle passes depends on whether I think I actually want to play that game this much. The last one I purchased was for PSO2 NA when it launched on the Microsoft Store. It was great because I already knew I was going to grind up to a decently high level, having played on the JP servers, and the "premium" tier was available through in-game currency grants (and paid for itself if you finished it). So, I guess that doesn't really count as buying because I didn't spend real world currency on it, but I thought it was worth it. I think ultimately it really is game dependent. A badly done battle pass can sour me on a game entirely- Breakpoint's "battle pass" at launch immediately turned me off when I realized I would need to grind 30-40 hours over several weeks doing all the daily objectives to even come close to finishing it, and quite frankly at launch it wasn't close to being worth that time investment. The problem with a season/battle pass is that it tends to rely on FOMO, and if it's done poorly it can just embitter me towards the game's economy now that I want games to respect my time a bit more. The most jarring example, though this isn't a paid one, is Fall Guys' pass right now. Considering that the currency grind is pretty slow for the game in general, being one of the faster ways to earn unlocks should make it appealing, but when you have currency grants that are less than 50% of an item I might actually want it makes it feel laden with filler.