Wordle 3
Nice stuff dev, the Wordle Word Search games keep improving! This one pulled me in more and became more of a regular game than a filler game. Again, UI and mechanics are same as in my Wordle 1 review. Some additions:
W3 is a bigger game than W1 or 2, mainly because the final grids are bigger—it ends with 24 7x7 grids, there are ~97 puzzles in total across 15 categories. Some categories have 3-4 puzzles, others 10 or more.
With the larger grids, small things became bigger things worth noting:
You can quit the game any time in the middle of a puzzle—click the back arrow top left until you reach the main menu with Exit—and when you relaunch and click Continue, you'll be right back where you left off with your half-complete level. Nice.
There are no stats or stars, just a tick mark on the title of levels you've solved. But I just checked and there are Achievements.
There is a hint system with over 100 available. Each hint fills in one letter in the answer section for words you haven't solved yet—repeated hint clicking gets you the first letter of each word left to right, then moves onto the second letter, etc. I probably used about 30 hints in the Flowers category—never mind not being able to figure them out, there were a lot I'd never heard of, and probably never will again
Cursor movement is a bit over-sensitive. You drag your cursor across the letters to make a word, and it's too easy to 'stray' onto a nearby letter. The bad part is that unlike other similar games I've played, you can't just back off a letter or two and correct your path—you have to start over. Annoying with long words—and there are plenty of those over 8 or 10 letters.
Of the ~500 words in all, there were 3-4 that didn't obviously fit the category—wasn't an issue.
A very basic bare-bones game which is very well done. Not a hint of a story in sight, it's all pure gameplay—such a relief
I got the second of the two offers below, which is truly exceptional value, even for a Patient Gamer!
Nice stuff dev, the Wordle Word Search games keep improving! This one pulled me in more and became more of a regular game than a filler game. Again, UI and mechanics are same as in my Wordle 1 review. Some additions:
W3 is a bigger game than W1 or 2, mainly because the final grids are bigger—it ends with 24 7x7 grids, there are ~97 puzzles in total across 15 categories. Some categories have 3-4 puzzles, others 10 or more.

With the larger grids, small things became bigger things worth noting:
You can quit the game any time in the middle of a puzzle—click the back arrow top left until you reach the main menu with Exit—and when you relaunch and click Continue, you'll be right back where you left off with your half-complete level. Nice.
There are no stats or stars, just a tick mark on the title of levels you've solved. But I just checked and there are Achievements.
There is a hint system with over 100 available. Each hint fills in one letter in the answer section for words you haven't solved yet—repeated hint clicking gets you the first letter of each word left to right, then moves onto the second letter, etc. I probably used about 30 hints in the Flowers category—never mind not being able to figure them out, there were a lot I'd never heard of, and probably never will again
Cursor movement is a bit over-sensitive. You drag your cursor across the letters to make a word, and it's too easy to 'stray' onto a nearby letter. The bad part is that unlike other similar games I've played, you can't just back off a letter or two and correct your path—you have to start over. Annoying with long words—and there are plenty of those over 8 or 10 letters.
Of the ~500 words in all, there were 3-4 that didn't obviously fit the category—wasn't an issue.
A very basic bare-bones game which is very well done. Not a hint of a story in sight, it's all pure gameplay—such a relief
I got the second of the two offers below, which is truly exceptional value, even for a Patient Gamer!