Here's where we get into personal perspectives. I am curious what industry news really struck a chord with you this year.
Power chord, discordant chord, experimental chord, you pick.
I am a person of a certain age (yes, I played PONG as my first video game), so for me the greatest impact is seeing our industry grow up, age, and, sadly, begin to pass on. Oddly, those are the industry news bytes that really get to me.
On the up side, we PC gamers are no longer a flash in the pan, we're multi-generational. I play games with my adult son, nephew and grandkids. It really does make for a level playing field like nothing else can. ;P
Power chord, discordant chord, experimental chord, you pick.
I am a person of a certain age (yes, I played PONG as my first video game), so for me the greatest impact is seeing our industry grow up, age, and, sadly, begin to pass on. Oddly, those are the industry news bytes that really get to me.
On the up side, we PC gamers are no longer a flash in the pan, we're multi-generational. I play games with my adult son, nephew and grandkids. It really does make for a level playing field like nothing else can. ;P