Is there a game, or games, that aren't available anymore that you miss?


Community Contributor
For me, number one would be Worlds Adrift, quickly followed by Need for Speed Underground and NFS Carbon.

Worlds Adrift was a multiplayer game, either PvP or PvE, where you designed and constructed air ships and traveled to different floating islands looking for treasure or fought with other players, etc. Was just amazing fun.

Those old NFS games...I didn't even know they were still available because the Origin store was so impossible to search. Then one day there was an article on PC Gamer that they were gone. I was so sad. Those games had amazing music.

Any games that you miss?
Hi zed we meet again . Heres my contribution to your posting.

World of battles by morning star. It was a russian online game and was everything that age of mythology should have been it was tons better and had the same type of senario , after about 5 years they just suddenly announced they were turning the servers off which was odd because it had a huge following.

Tanki x online , the second version , same thing happened again , very cheeky of them to say were shutting soon but if you want to you can still purchase extras.

Age of mythology , the original version by eso/microsoft . The graphics were a bit primate but i had thousands of battles during the time i used it. It is the only game i have ever used where the chat was monitored. I had been on many times when the screen went block and a message was posted saying ..... due to the content of the chatroom we are closing chat and game the the rest of the day. I got the revamped version on the day it was released and was hacked like crazy on the first day .... its rubbish !

And finally the first guildwars not sure if the servers are still running but when i used it on my previous pc 6 years ago it was a case of spot the player so i never put it on the pc i got now.
Nov 26, 2021
A few, mostly multiplayer games though. If you think modern games' gunsmith options are cool, you haven't seen Loadout; a multiplayer shooter where you could have any number of combinations of weapons. Radioactive bullets, fully automatic homing rockets, knife bazookas, it was insane... and easy to metagame. The fun died out sooner than the servers did as rocket spam and theorycrafters dominated what would be an agonising but mercifully fast demise.

There was also Dirty Bomb, the guys behind most multiplayer shooters' online components. Instead of taking on work outsourced by other studios, they made their own fairly decent hero shooter. It lasted a good while, fostered a determined community, and it was a mostly fair game. It's beloved by those who remember it.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
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Jan 23, 2020
Rise of Incarnates. 6 years after its closure, it still remains to be the closest that PC gaming will ever get to having a proper Gundam Extreme VS game on PC, and i'm convinced that it will take an Epic Games Store exclusivity deal (and you can bet that there's a good chance that the aforementioned exclusivity deal will be indefinite) in order for us to get EXVS2 XBOOST

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Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
The 2 No One Lives Forever games, which I posted about earlier in the month, so no point repeating.
You just did.:p

PC Gamer did an article related to this in December:
18 classic PC games you still can't get digitally | PC Gamer

Here's a pretty nice site called Delisted Games that lists around 1500 games no longer available:
Delisted Games – Even in the age of digital, nothing lasts forever

It seems to be updated frequently, and many of the games mentioned there have become available again (which is mentioned), but it seems like a good source of information.

For me personally, I can't think of any older game (that I don't already own digitally) that I'd like to see made available. I usually gobble up old classics when I see them on sale, especially on GOG, like the Ultima & Ultima Underworld games; because you'll never know when they'll disappear.
The whole old Sierra Catalog of games, notable ones that i miss personally are Hunter Hunted and Robert E. Lee Civil War Generals (probably the first and 1 of a very few turn-based strategy games i truly loved). There was a version of Risk that released in 96 or 97 that i loved and cant find that anywhere.

Also Oregon Trail's. Oregon trail 1 and 2, maybe even Amazon Trail, i loved all those games.
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Community Contributor
No One Lives Forever... maybe. If they HD'd it without screwing around with the story, I would likely enjoy it. But after what they did to Lara, I'm afraid to let anyone even try.

Air Warrior would be another. It was a massively* multiplayer WW2 airplane fighting sim from the modem days, before average people could get on the internet! Had a ton of fun in that one.

* massive for the late 80's, anyway

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
I checked and it seems like it's impossible anymore to buy any of the Kohan games (first one + expansion). I spent many a hour in these, building armies, controlling map, going for epic quests, getting destroyed by targets of said quests and then barely surviving the onslaught of angry AI. Having Summoning's music in the background was just perfect.


On a Journey
Age of Conan since they turned off servers and repurposed them for another game. Its only rosy colored glasses, the game was sliding when I stopped and was becoming free to play. I just wouldn't mind seeing what my new PC could do to it. DX 10 wouldn't be a problem now. It made my PC at the time week at its knees.

Most of the games I can think of were server based. Or not PC.
I can't think of any, but there's probably some flash games that would have been fun to revisit that aren't available any more, or only with a bunch of effort.
Oh, man. Talking about Flash games, I really miss MOTAS (Mystery of Time and Space). It was basically the grandfather of all Escape the Room games. The creator of the game ended up making something like 20 levels, but never finished the game. Now you can't even access it anymore without using that Flash emulator where you can download all of the old Flash games.
Oh, man. Talking about Flash games, I really miss MOTAS (Mystery of Time and Space). It was basically the grandfather of all Escape the Room games. The creator of the game ended up making something like 20 levels, but never finished the game. Now you can't even access it anymore without using that Flash emulator where you can download all of the old Flash games.

I remember playing that. It was quite strange, but well done.

I used to spend so much time on Flash games. I wonder if kids today still play a lot of browser games or if there are so many big free to play games that that isn't really a thing any more.

EDIT: I suppose is the main replacement for flash games nowadays, with over 200,000 games on it
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I remember playing that. It was quite strange, but well done.

I used to spend so much time on Flash games. I wonder if kids today still play a lot of browser games or if there are so many big free to play games that that isn't really a thing any more.

EDIT: I suppose is the main replacement for flash games nowadays, with over 200,000 games on it
I think Cool Math Games is another popular one.
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Mar 28, 2021
I'd like a No One Lives Forever sequel or even remaster (a good one not like the recent GTA mistake).
But I think we'll never see it because of the licensing problems.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum