I understand ads are necessary, but this is ridiculous

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Dec 13, 2020
Visit site
I am at the point now where I think I am going to have to stop visiting this site because every time I do I am bombarded with ads.
Take this screenshot for instance, it doesn't even contain a whole sentence of the article, my entire screen is ads.
Even worse, often these are interactive ads so big I can't scroll past them.
I understand ads are necessary to survive but this is insane!
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I keep hearing people yelling about this and I don't follow why. I've got an advert taking about an inch on the top, a whole column of them down the right side, headline, a few paragraphs of text, the "recommended videos for you" which starts with an advert, a few more paragraphs and in-article images, a "Sponsored by People" advert, then the rest of the article. Then it's scroll, scroll, scroll until the comments show up. Sometimes, instead of the People thing, there's an advert for some online store that reflects a game I was looking at on non-Steam stores. It never looks anything like the above!

Is that on a phone? Maybe right right side column is getting meshed in with the article text when the screen is skinny?
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I am at the point now where I think I am going to have to stop visiting this site because every time I do I am bombarded with ads.
Take this screenshot for instance, it doesn't even contain a whole sentence of the article, my entire screen is ads.
Even worse, often these are interactive ads so big I can't scroll past them.
I understand ads are necessary to survive but this is insane!

Hey there,

The Editorial teams don't have control over the ads, but we definitely want to get any problematic ones removed quickly (those that block content, like you're seeing).

To help us get malicious ads removed, email us a bit of info when you see them: community@futurenet.com
  1. What's the name of the specific site involved? When sending in an email we won't know which site has the issue unless you call that out.
  2. Is the issue with one specific article, or is the ad on multiple pages?
  3. What's this an ad for?
  4. Where are you located in the world? Ads are purchased in blocks for different regions, so knowing what country you're in will help us pinpoint bad ads more quickly.
  5. Was this on a mobile device or your desktop?
  6. What browser version are you using?
  7. A screenshot of the actual issue is incredibly helpful as well.

Thanks for calling these issues out. I'm closing up the thread since those emails are the best way to get these issues resolved. Any follow up can be sorted out there.
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