Question How to connect 2x 4K120 displays (HDMI only) to GPU with only one HDMI port?

Jan 17, 2020
I have a NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Founders Edition, which has 1x HDMI port, 3x DisplayPort.

Until recently, I had a:
This worked fine but I am now replacing the TCL LCD with an LG 4K120 OLED TV, but the Plugable active adapter supports only 4K60.

Any idea how I can connect the second LG display to a GPU that has no HDMI ports left (only 3x DisplayPort) and still run at 4K120?
Just buy a newer adapter that supports 4k@120. The one I have does 8k@60 and 4K@120. They should run you about 30 bucks depending on length and quality. Make sure the HDMI cable supports those rates too, of course.
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