Asked this on the Future Games Show twitter (which is a great account to follow)
How soon before a game release do you enjoy a reveal?
Having seen the inside of games marketing, I know there can be a lot of pressure from shareholders and bizdev folks and stuff outside of any purchasing time periods (e.g announcing in time for black friday or xmas gifting) but the ones that are years out always give me anxiety.
We're also giving away a Streamplfiy bundle over there, which you all should enter if you wanna win some streaming kit!
How soon before a game release do you enjoy a reveal?
Having seen the inside of games marketing, I know there can be a lot of pressure from shareholders and bizdev folks and stuff outside of any purchasing time periods (e.g announcing in time for black friday or xmas gifting) but the ones that are years out always give me anxiety.
We're also giving away a Streamplfiy bundle over there, which you all should enter if you wanna win some streaming kit!