Question hey guys i need some help

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if its a single player game, I don't have a problem with it as you just affecting yourself. lots of old console games had the cheat codes built in. Big head mode in Goldeneye used to be fun :)
online, different story in most cases.
Seems like I had a few games that had a God-mode you could bring up. I'm thinking Duke Nukem 3D was like that, but I don't remember for sure.
For a long time, it was thought the only cheat codes for Goldeneye were awarded for beating certain stages with certain conditions, but I think in recent years its been discovered there are key combos that can be entered at certain menus to achieve the same outcomes. But it took 20+ years for anyone to see these.

Cheats in past were only available once you finished game once. As a reward. to let you perhaps equip weapons early or something. You beaten game, go have some fun.
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