Question HELP!! Every time I build a system it's more expensive than a pre built? Need help

May 3, 2020
As this is probably build request 1,000,000 from all the newbies (including myself) , I ma torn between the slick compact pieces such as the MSI Trident X at $1,599 US or Prestige P100 at $2,200 US which are in super slim slick cases and house the power I would want for gaming, some home music production, a little 3D work and general PC use. Every time I try a build, it's basically the same price for similar equipment. Any thoughts on my build below compared to the MSI Trident x? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Basics are that I'm leaning towards a I7-9700 or an I9-9900 and a Geforce RTX 2070super or 2080 in a Micro ATX case. I need compact and preferably not a vacuum cleaner running in my living room with my family nearby. I appreciate any thoughts or advice, especially if I have overlooked something. I'll only really upgrade when super necessary which I doubt would be for a while. I'm also concerned that I can fit the GPU ina Micro atx case without making a pure hotbox.

For comparison - the MSI Trident is super compact. has an I7-9700 and RTX 2070super GPU with 16 gb ramd and 1TB ssd
The MSI prestige is same size and has an I9-9900, RTX 2080super GPU, 32GB ram and 3TB storage Both have 650 wat power supplies.

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Feb 17, 2020
if you click the "BB" button on the bar above the build on Partpicker, it creates a version ready-formatted for forums and also provides a link to the build which makes it way easier for people to access and create variations / suggestions :)

Smaller systems can risk being hotter and/or louder - for various reasons like smaller heatsinks, smaller fans that need to run faster, poorer airflow, or design choices to mitigate those like having CPU/GPU fans right up next to vents to the outside.

Hexus found the Trident X (9700k, 2080 non-super) version to be relatively loud

They didn't mind it but suggested it might be a bit much for the livingroom.

According to them, PCG, and Techradar, the temps aren't too bad. Which I'll admit surprises me. I'd be asking whether the CPU is actually being limited to its 95W TDP in the BIOS, unlike what would be normal on many 'normal' desktops. In which case you'd see lower performance than you might expect, at least for CPU intensive tasks.

All that said, if the noise is fine for you, if those thermals are accurate, and if the CPU isn't being "nerfed" by being forced to stick to its TDP, then it doesn't seem a bad option.

NB, however, that Intel just announced their 10 series CPUs, which will see a new 10-core part replacing the 9900k at the same price bracket, and also a 10700k processor that is 8C/16T like the 9900k, with higher frequencies, for ~$100 less. Also the new motherboards are all but certain to support a further generation of Intel CPUs, which will bring with them PCIe 4.0. These are expected to be available in the next few weeks.

If it's not urgent, I'd wait for those if buying Intel.
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May 3, 2020
Oussebon, thanks for the advice. I’ll add the parts picker list in the format you suggested. I’d like to order the computer in the next week or two since mine is on last legs and my son also needs it for online school during pandemic and his games. Next gen intel stuff is soon.? I’m not against going with AMD either just that I have never gone off of intel platform. Any suggestions on a build that I can fit in a good looking small enclosure even a little similar to the MSI sized case? Thanks again.
May 3, 2020
Hi Oussebon,

here is the link for the build

Feb 17, 2020
PCPartPicker Part List

CPU: Intel Core i9-9900K 3.6 GHz 8-Core Processor ($509.99 @ B&H)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($36.99 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: MSI MPG Z390M GAMING EDGE AC Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($177.01 @ Amazon)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws V 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3600 Memory ($83.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Crucial P1 1 TB M.2-2280 NVME Solid State Drive ($119.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Western Digital BLACK SERIES 2 TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($119.99 @ Amazon)
Video Card: MSI GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER 8 GB GAMING X Video Card ($549.99 @ Newegg)
Case: Phanteks Enthoo EVOLV TG MicroATX Mini Tower Case ($129.99 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: Cooler Master MWE Gold 650 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply ($99.99 @ Best Buy)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Home OEM 64-bit ($108.78 @ Other World Computing)
Total: $1936.71
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2020-05-03 15:13 EDT-0400


With all the googling MSI products I forgot to ask, what resolution and refresh rate are you gaming at?
May 3, 2020
I'd like to play at 1440 with downline option to go 4K if possible at times. Mainly at 1140 I guess. There is also the MSI prestige P100 which seems like an amped up version of the trident but I guess it could be louder and really at top of budget for PC only without monitor. Looking to do a 31.5 inch LG panel.
May 3, 2020
Also to kite, I've been off of PC gaming for a while and on console. Miss using a mouse and really high res on monitor.


Apr 13, 2020
went with AMD (Ryzen 5) instead of Intel, much lower cost - same gaming performance. Put the cash I saved towards a faster Graphics card
Apr 26, 2020
Yo. Since you're not planning 1080p high refresh rate gaming (aka competitive gaming), my two cents are:

1) Go AMD e.g. Ryzen 7 3700X. Down the line you'll be able to upgrade to Ryzen 4000 65w processors (R7 4800X maybe?).
2) Since noise is an issue, you could pick an equally capable Noctua cooler.
2) Pick a nice ~$100-$150 AM4 B450 motherboard with wifi and good sound codec e.g. ALC1220.

You'll be as happy as you'd be with the current Intel specs, saving a few bucks. Also, with these specs you could try a mini-ITX motherboard and case, getting much closer to console size.

PS: I really liked the MSI Trident X. If pricing is competitive, I don't see why not going for it.
PPS: It's absolutely normal for a pre-built system to be cheaper than a custom built one. Manufacturers purchase parts in bulk and get discounts that us mortals don't have access to. Plus you get warranty for the assembly and a plug-and-play rig out-of-the-box.
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May 3, 2020
Yo. Since you're not planning 1080p high refresh rate gaming (aka competitive gaming), my two cents are:

1) Go AMD e.g. Ryzen 7 3700X. Down the line you'll be able to upgrade to Ryzen 4000 65w processors (R7 4800X maybe?).
2) Since noise is an issue, you could pick an equally capable Noctua cooler.
2) Pick a nice ~$100-$150 AM4 B450 motherboard with wifi and good sound codec e.g. ALC1220.

You'll be as happy as you'd be with the current Intel specs, saving a few bucks. Also, with these specs you could try a mini-ITX motherboard and case, getting much closer to console size.

PS: I really liked the MSI Trident X. If pricing is competitive, I don't see why not going for it.

Thanks, I'll totally check this out as inws originally considering the Ryzen 7 3700. Would a mini itx case still be able to hold an RTX 2070 super GPU? I'm definitely not going competitive 1080p or any other resolution 😉
May 3, 2020
Yo. Since you're not planning 1080p high refresh rate gaming (aka competitive gaming), my two cents are:

1) Go AMD e.g. Ryzen 7 3700X. Down the line you'll be able to upgrade to Ryzen 4000 65w processors (R7 4800X maybe?).
2) Since noise is an issue, you could pick an equally capable Noctua cooler.
2) Pick a nice ~$100-$150 AM4 B450 motherboard with wifi and good sound codec e.g. ALC1220.

You'll be as happy as you'd be with the current Intel specs, saving a few bucks. Also, with these specs you could try a mini-ITX motherboard and case, getting much closer to console size.

PS: I really liked the MSI Trident X. If pricing is competitive, I don't see why not going for it.
PPS: It's absolutely normal for a pre-built system to be cheaper than a custom built one. Manufacturers purchase parts in bulk and get discounts that us mortals don't have access to. Plus you get warranty for the assembly and a plug-and-play rig out-of-the-box.

Trident x going for $1699, but possibly loud machine.
Apr 26, 2020
Thanks, I'll totally check this out as inws originally considering the Ryzen 7 3700. Would a mini itx case still be able to hold an RTX 2070 super GPU? I'm definitely not going competitive 1080p or any other resolution 😉
Nice. I think it would, depending of course on the case itself. It was only a wild idea, unfortunately I'm not experienced with mini-ITX builds :/ from what I've seen around, you'd need extra care with space and cooling of CPU and GPU.

This is something I intend to try eventually, but certainly would not be an easy project.
May 3, 2020
I was totally psyched about building a PC after compromising for so many years with an all in one in my living room for my family but want to lick it up a notch again. Just don't like consoles as much as PC. I'm definitely getting a nice 34" curved monitor. The trident looks like a decent price and the Prestige while pricy at $2k US has an I9 9900, RTX 2080 plus , 34gb ram and 3tb storage with 650watt power in same size case (even more living room like) but I'm still unsure.
Apr 26, 2020
I was totally psyched about building a PC after compromising for so many years with an all in one in my living room for my family but want to lick it up a notch again. Just don't like consoles as much as PC. I'm definitely getting a nice 34" curved monitor. The trident looks like a decent price and the Prestige while pricy at $2k US has an I9 9900, RTX 2080 plus , 34gb ram and 3tb storage with 650watt power in same size case (even more living room like) but I'm still unsure.
Both of them are very capable. Are there any reviews online?

If you have a few days, keep an eye at the now almost finished competition that has been going on:

The PC Gamer Best PC Builds - $2000 Ultra High Quality Cyberpunk 2077 Build

The five best will be picked by PC Gamer staff in the following days. There should be great ideas there for sure!
May 3, 2020
The MSI prestige seems to be kind of a mystery online, barely any reviews. Maybe its too overpriced or a design that doesn't appeal to either market. It's layout looks almost identical from a interior case design standpoint to the Trident. It's just all while and plastic case. The Build competition does look good. What a pain to get parts nowadays too. Everything on back order or you have to order from 20 different places to get your build.


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