Question Help - all light aren't working

May 28, 2021
Hi, I have had my PC for a year now and I don't usually have problems with it. Today I wanted to check something with the RGB fans and by mistake one cable has disconnected and I reconnected it but since then something really strange is happening:

The front RGB fans are stuck with blue light, the CPU fan light is red and one of the motherboard lights is also red. The other light strip (the one on the bottom left ) isn't working at all, BTW I have the auros elite b450. I tried everything, I reinstalled RGBFusion and all but it doesn't work. what ever I do on the software side has no effect on the leds, I tried the RGBFusion from the BIOS too but it also didn't work.

Hope you can help me


On a Journey
are you sure the cable was disconnected on mistake? if lighting worked fine before it should still without cable?

Where did you plug it in?

Are fans from case or did you install them? do you know what make/model fans they are? might help figure out if extra cable is needed. some have 2 cables for different connections, one may not be needed.
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May 28, 2021
yeah, it's the only one that connects the LEDs. without it they don't work at all, The fans are from the case (I will right the model down here), the especially strange is that I only touched the cables of the front case fans but since then all the PC's lights started doing problems, the CPU fan doesn't work and one of the motherboards lights too

I have Coolermaster case Masterbok MB511 RGB
Motherboard - Aurus B450 elite
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On a Journey
Did you plug the cable into the cases rgb controller or onto motherboard?

I don't know that much about lighting myself. I am not sure how many around here do.

I would ask on this forum although Tom's doesn't really have an rgb section, so cooling would probably be best. Chance of getting question answered soon is faster there, they sort of hungry for questions at the moment -
I am there too.
May 28, 2021
alright, thanks a lot, I wrote there already under systems and so far no one could help, and I don't know how to delete my question so I can write it somewhere else, so I hope someone will answer me there
thanks anyways