Have you ever gone against your IRL sexual preferences in a game romance?

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And what happens when men, either in Hollywood or AAA game development, decide to make a "strong female character"? Well, they tend to be archetypes instead, and usually the same type. They generally are portrayed as one-dimensional bossy, a-hole control freaks. It's just bizarre. It's almost as if they are confusing "strong" to mean strength of personality.

They generally just transpose typically masculine--a word I hesitate to use here, as there are many different types of masculinity, so I generally mean the socially constructed type of masculinity of the "alpha" or whatever--onto a body with breasts and a vagina then pretend it's feminine empowerment. No one really ever takes those traits considered feminine--again, take that word with a grain of salt--of empathy, caring and nurturing and applies them to problem solving in games. Again, either sex, gender or what have you can have a mix of those traits, so calling them masculine or feminine is a misnomer.

At any rate, similar to January's Ghost, I typically only romance heterosexually unless I'm playing a female then all bets are off. My V in Cyberpunk is pretty gay and probably one of my favorite female characters I've played in a game, because generally I feel like the writing in that game is pretty good and representative of V, regardless of gender, being a somewhat multidimensional person.
Oct 14, 2024
The personality transformation depends on the psychological immersion you achieve as an actor. Some like to play «as in life», keeping the real orientation, and others choose complete freedom and try anything - even a romance with a tank. I also sometimes take risks and change the usual scenarios, for example, choosing a character of another sex.