Genres you've dropped over time


While answering DX's Incomplete thread, it's obvious that I've gone off Puzzles. I've enjoyed them all my life, since well before video games, so that's a surprise for me. Not sure what it is, but I guess they seem like too much work these days :unsure:


In 90s I used to play loads of Platformers, cos they were some of the best games around back then. But I dropped that genre probably late 90s, if I recall correctly the first Tomb Raider might be the last back then—tried another TR recently, RotTR, but the platforming & TPP wore me down :)

Shooters—Closed world or Melee

Half Life 2 was the last of these that I played thru—what a way to sign off eh, superb game. Far Cry was released the same year, and I got so much more enjoyment from that than from HL2. HL2 was brilliant, but work—FC was brilliant but fun.

I guess all these 3 choices demonstrate I don't want work in my games anymore :)
When I was an Amiga 500+/ 1200 player I would play anything that was considered good. Now it is mainly RPGs, adventure games, some action-adventure games (resident evil), the odd FPS (Half-Life) and from Sid's stable Alpha Centauri.

I moved from the Amiga to the PC to play Ultima games so I think I was starting to close in on what I enjoyed.
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I don't think I've dropped any genre. There's a couple I haven't played in a while, but considering how little time I have to game nowadays and how many genres I've played that isn't surprising. I haven't played a point & click in forever for example, but Return to Monkey Island is definitely on my to-play list.

MMORPG is the only genre I can think of that I would prefer not playing again, but I know that if we had two PCs available I'd probably be playing World of Warcraft with my wife every evening anyway.


Venatus semper
As @Pifanjr said, I don't think I've actually dropped any genre of games that I've previously played. There are genres I have no interest in and never played, such as all those online-multiplayer games, like MMOs, MOBAs, Battle Royales, ect., and I've never played a puzzle game, platformer, or card game (of the video game variety). My heart is in the RPG genre, which also bleeds over into the immersive sim genre at times, so that is where most of my gaming time is spent.

There are other game genres that I've played, just not recently, but haven't completely given up on them:

Shooters: I like a good shooter, but I haven't played any since Half-Life 1&2 and the 1st Fear game, but I haven't given up on the genre. I have a keen interest in the Stalker games (I actually have a couple in my TBP pile), as well as the upcoming Dead Space remake & Callisto Protocol. My primary criteria for a shooter is that it have a decent story to drive the game forward.

I've avoided many newer shooters because of the reliance upon a check-point save system, QTEs, and Parkour elements; game elements that I don't really enjoy (to downright hate).

Strategy Games: It's been even longer since I played a true strategy game, going way back to the Myth games from Bungie. But I haven't completely given up on it either, as I have a very high interest in the upcoming Jagged Aliance 3 game. I love strategic turn-based or real-time combat, as well as micro-managing details, but have yet taken a chance on many of the excellent strategy games out there.

Come to think of it, there might be 2 game genres that I've dropped:

Point & Click Adventure Games: I know I've played a few, way in the past, but the only one that comes to mind is Sanitarium (1998). I remember enjoying it, but today I have no interest in that point & click type game play.

FMV Games: I didn't so much drop them, as the gaming world dropped FMV games, so I guess the disinterest is mutual. The last (and maybe only) ones I can remember playing were the Phantasmagoria games and Gabriel Knight A Beast Within. They were cool at that time, but I think everyone has moved on from that limited type of gameplay, where the player was more of an observer rather than part of a game world.
I haven't consciously dropped any particular genre. I never really got into point and click, played a little Discworld and Simon the Sorcerer in the 90's but I just got frustrated with the puzzles so I havent played any since.

I used to love playing rally racing games, but that was more of passing the controller around on the sofa type thing, used top play a lot of Golf like that as well. I'd give those games another go though if I was in those type of situations again, which is pretty unlikely to be fair.

The closest thing for me though would be online shooters. I played some COD and quite a lot of BFBC2/BF 3 in that era, since then I've only dabbled a few hours in PUBG and Doom 2016 online but nothing else. I'm not averse to it though really, I just prefer to play a bit more relaxed nowadays.
This might sound a bit silly, but I have not played any strip poker games since I moved out of my parent's basement many eons ago. That is the best I can think of right now that I have completely "avoided" since. I don't think it is because of any traumatic experience in front of the computer and I don't think it is because of the loading times, nor because of being quite popular in the neighbourhood having these naughty games. To be honest, I have no clue why I stopped. I need to get to the bottom of the lu...eeehhh, truth of this!
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Venatus semper
but I have not played any strip poker games since I moved out of my parent's basement many eons ago.
I've never played a strip poker video game, but I've often wondered what happens when you, the player, looses a hand? Do you have to strip in from of your monitor to continue? Please, no need to provide proof, your word is good enough for me.:)

Souls like
4x strategy/turn based

These would be my two. Souls likes games are all the same to me, its combat i just dont find fun in it, even if i can beat bosses with ease when i played them.

4x strategy/turn based hit the same fate...just got bored with them.

There are genres that i only dabble in when a certain game releases though but the genre as a whole has dropped off. Fighting/Racing games would be these two. I really am only interested in a new Mortal Kombat or a Burnout, two games ive played since their arrival and loved.
I don't play racing games like I use too. I don't really consider rocket league a driving game really, but burnout were the last ones I played a bit. I got that sega racing game and it's fun, but I just didn't get into it. No one else to play with.

Also ww2 and war games. I use to play tons of DoD and I mean tons. I don't know who else played that, I was in a DoD clan back in the day too, but after that I kind of stopped when I got into Movie Battles 2 and Left 4 Dead. I didn't like DoD source, feels so clunky and most of the other games never clicked with me. I did however pick up that Hell Let Loose and it totally reminded me of the old days. I played it for a bit and did pretty good, but I just stopped one day and haven't touched it since.


Community Contributor
I don't play racing games like I use too. I don't really consider rocket league a driving game really, but burnout were the last ones I played a bit. I got that sega racing game and it's fun, but I just didn't get into it. No one else to play with.

Also ww2 and war games. I use to play tons of DoD and I mean tons. I don't know who else played that, I was in a DoD clan back in the day too, but after that I kind of stopped when I got into Movie Battles 2 and Left 4 Dead. I didn't like DoD source, feels so clunky and most of the other games never clicked with me. I did however pick up that Hell Let Loose and it totally reminded me of the old days. I played it for a bit and did pretty good, but I just stopped one day and haven't touched it since.

Omg the Axis Rifleman with the Kar98K, one shot kills. Loved that game.
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Omg the Axis Rifleman with the Kar98K, one shot kills. Loved that game.

I liked the fact the rifleman on either team would have two nades. I'd run, throw the first nade at my feet in front of me where I'll be in a sec, throw the second further back to make people run forward, pick up the first nade, hold left click and run in on a bombing run, that way if they kill ya you're holding left click and will throw the nade if you die so you can kind of guide it in to the biggest group of people and if ya throw it high it's a sphere of death and will kill people in windows. It's beauty. Oh yeah and I never used guns really = P


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