Geforce Experience Issues in Game

Aug 22, 2021

I keep getting issues with Geforce Experience when playing games.

If you hit Tab and Shift or Control? It is the shortcut to bring up the on screen overlay for the Geforce Experience....

It's triggered by accident because of the shortcut it uses...

I've followed instructions online to change the shortcut but it just seems to ignore the change even though I can see it accepts and remembers the change?

Any ideas how to fix this WITHOUT disabling/uninstalling it as I like that it notifies me of new Nvidia drivers?



On a Journey
Are you talking about the Overlay? mine shows up if I just load my weather app on desktop, its funny (realises its just an add for the overlay that shows, not actual overlay)

I see where you disable the Alt Z menu in Geforce Experience in its settings, I can't find any other alternative methods to do it.

I don't think disabling the overlay will stop Geforce Exp telling you about driver updates. that is main reason I use it.

might help to clean install the Nvidia drivers, see if that helps -

Seems I am answering you on two forums or there are 2 people using the same avatar and same sig details and its an amazing coincidence :)
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
I don't use Experience with my GeForce so can't help you directly. Perhaps a good key remapper might be useful?

I keep getting issues with Geforce Experience when playing games
You are not alone:

I like that it notifies me of new Nvidia drivers
You don't need Experience for that:
"Vendors can now automatically push driver updates through Windows Update"

My advice is to avoid updating drivers unless you know why you're doing it—PC starts acting up, one of a new game's flaws is fixed, security update, etc.


On a Journey
Nvidia don't use the windows update method or I wouldn't suggest it as an alternative to getting them from Nvidia direct. Often the Nvidia drivers on windows update catalog are a few months old.

since his GPU is fairly new, there is no reason not to use newest drivers that might be optimized for the games he plays. Its only older series cards that may not get much out of them. I still sometimes use newest Nvidia.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Often the Nvidia drivers on windows update catalog are a few months old
Yeah, I guess that apples to all drivers from MS. I always advise getting drivers, in order of preference, from:
1. OEM, eg Nvidia, AMD, Intel;
2. Card maker, eg Gigabyte, MSI;
3. Windows update.
Reason being the delay you mention in getting the newest out thru the supply chain.

I still sometimes use newest Nvidia
You mean you swap drivers between old and new occasionally?
If you are having any problem with nvidia experience, just disable it, if you dont use any of its features (ansel, game capture, broadcast etc.) there is no reason for it to be there. Turn it off, it does take up a lot of ram and if you dont have a super great computer to an extent, you will have issues.
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On a Journey
he has 32gb of ram, I doubt he would notice it.
1. OEM, eg Nvidia, AMD, Intel;
2. Card maker, eg Gigabyte, MSI;
3. Windows update.

This is for when I am helping someone else, not me personally:
my order is different, as card makers don't always update drivers either and really are just getting them from Nvidia/AMD and changing the launcher - Asus do it just to have Asus name in software.

I would go 1,3,2

generally only go to Card maker if its a laptop or the other 2 don't fix it. Mostly if the drivers aren't seeing card.

Me: I haven't updated drivers since November. I have seen BSOD with the last 2 versions (on other peoples PC) so I decided I don't need them yet. I generally help with most BSOD posts on Tom's so its not every bsod I seen recently but a few.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
I would go 1,3,2

generally only go to Card maker if its a laptop
Interesting, good to know—thanks :)

I haven't updated drivers since November
I haven't updated since… um… don't know how many years. As I said earlier, done only if I have a need. I use PC for work first, so stability is paramount. I've seen too many cases where a driver update has resulted in glitches—not how I want to spend my spare time.