Gaming references Popular Culture.

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May 11, 2022
I'll put this here because it's from the Guardian newspaper and it again shows that gaming is a mainstream topic.
It also relates to the vid above.

'You can't out-shoot a teenager:How to play first person shooters if you're over 30.'

I tend to play single player games myself and I'm amazed at how quickly if I hear an enemy approaching from behind, I've spun my character and made a head shot. Or in GTAV how it becomes natural to take out multiple enemies.

1. I'd get slaughtered in an online game.
2. Even though my son and younger friends have invited me to play games like PUBG, I feel like it's their world. I watched my son play a few times and it was like he had a sixth sense for approaching enemy.

So they offer some tips and advice for the over 30's who want to remain competitive.
Heck in the competetive real world adopting different strategies may also keep us competetive.

At the bottom of the article there are a load of related gaming artices.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
can't out-shoot a teenager
"Medical studies suggest that reaction times peak at 24 and go downhill from there"
Don't despair, fellow fogeys—medical studies also conclude the brain doesn't mature until 25. Both 24 & 25 are of course averages.

The article concludes with "You can’t out-shoot a teenager, but you can definitely out-prepare them."
May 11, 2022
"Medical studies suggest that reaction times peak at 24 and go downhill from there"
Don't despair, fellow fogeys—medical studies also conclude the brain doesn't mature until 25. Both 24 & 25 are of course averages.

The article concludes with "You can’t out-shoot a teenager, but you can definitely out-prepare them."
I think they do make some good suggestions on how to give yourself an edge. One of my problems is I'm a terrible team player in real life. I even got sacked for it once, they fancifully called it 'no esprit de corps'.

But as we saw in that Ted talk, 'Your brain on video games-Daphne Bavelier', gaming can keep older minds sharp, faster reaction times, able to track multiple objects, etc. So that's another edge over older non gamers.

One of the reasons I bought a few games like; Moto GP, Ride and I even ride motorbikes at extreme speeds through traffic in GTAV and WD's Legion (I used to be a motorcycle courier in London) was because I was reading that young Moto GP riders learn the circuits in games first and also play to keep their reaction times up during the off season. Playing Moto GP games gives you a good knowledge of circuits but also a great respect for the real riders.

Here's Moto GP God Valantino Rossi playing himself in the Moto GP game.
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May 11, 2022
This is more than a gaming reference. Joel Golby(The Guardian online) raves about the 'console-to-screen adaption' story taken from The Last of Us. He was an avid fan of the game and points out the gaming nods> 'an early car chase is shot from a clever back-seat perspective; Joel and Ellie’s first interaction with the Clickers ends with them pulling a bookcase over a doorway to seal off one level to another; Joel keeps finding sniper rifles'.

I'm wondering if there's an increased need for post-apocalypse tv and films after the covid pandemic, but also are generations of gamers now influencing the content and style of popular culture. I've only seen a massive billboard and this trailer so far.

May 11, 2022
Yes they are certainly making some bold claims about The Last of Us, but mostly that seems to be relative to other 'game-screen' adaptions.

Okay so I'm guessing many of us grew up watching Star Trek and equally marvelling at how many tech inventions the shows prefigured.

So the Holodeck clearly prefigures a 3D simulation not dissimilar to VR and what VR may develop into. On Star Trek the Holodeck was used by crew members to relieve the boredom and stress of long distance space travel, but also a place to play out their fantasies.

One episode featured the team in a gangster simulation not dissimilar to; L.A. Noire, Mafia or The Godfather.

This is Ep108 Goddess of Empathy.

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May 11, 2022
I'm fascinated by this relationship between the gaming world and wider culture in general. The play and reciprocal relationship between the two.

The Last of Us tv series has boosted sales of the game on Amazon.


Also, and I find this a fascinating development which shows the endless creativity of humans. The Wasteland Theatre Company are using the game Fallout 76 as the backdrop to perform live Shakespeare's plays. It started when a group of friends noticed that the Fallout games have many Shakesperean references in them.

First they pick a play and then the player/characters assemble crafted costumes. Then they perform the play to other players who the director believes may never have seen a live Shakesperean play.

'the audience settled in front of a computer screen, watching the cast being players, playing players, playing players, in a play'.

'What we’re doing is really new, and expands the potential of using video games as digital performance spaces … It reminds us that Shakespeare constantly finds new places to be performed and loved ......'.

Now they are working on a production of Alice in Wonderland.

'I think we’re a perfect example of how video games inspire creativity, and celebrate theatre and culture and the arts. I hope that other gamers out there know that there’s so much potential for you to be able to express what you’re passionate about in video games'.


Their channel>

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
'the audience settled in front of a computer screen, watching the cast being players, playing players, playing players, in a play'
Did you read up on the planned series? Sounds great.

Example, the sequel will be about actors playing the audience settled in front of a computer screen, watching the cast being players, playing players, playing players, in a play.
Awesome, no?

Wasteland 39—a long way away of course, but no harm outlining the plan early enough—will be truly epic if they can pull it off:
"about actors playing the audience settled in front of a computer screen, watching the cast being players, playing players, playing players, in a play about actors playing the audience settled in front of a computer screen, watching the cast being players, playing players, playing players, in a play about actors playing the audience settled in front of a computer screen, watching the cast being players, playing players, playing players, in a play about actors playing the audience
Forum alert: post too long, abort, abort!
May 11, 2022
I think it's brilliant. Gamers can go and watch a live theatre production within the game. In a game that references that playwright.

In other games the player as the character can go and watch a; cinema show, theatre performance and acts relevant to the time and place. So in GTAV it's possible to watch films and in the spirit of the game it's a satire of avante garde European films.


Or in RD2 go to the theatre

Vaudeville theatre show

And this is taking it to the next level, Players putting on live theatre for other player to watch.

The 'the cast being players, playing players, playing players, in a play', is postmodern(I though Zloth might appreciate)
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