Gaming references Popular Culture.


On a Journey
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Without cultural references most games would be stuck trying to think of Easter eggs to put in. They aren't surprises if you expect them in almost every game now.

I play games to escape reality, I don't need products in the games that remind me of reality. Or current events.

They not funny anymore. they used to be rare and something you had to look for. Now they shoved down your throat and are the entire point of some YouTube channels.
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May 22, 2022
reads topic... doesn't look at 1st post.

Without cultural references most games would be stuck trying to think of Easter eggs to put in. They aren't surprises if you expect them in almost every game now.

I play games to escape reality, I don't need products in the games that remind me of reality. Or current events.

They not funny anymore. they used to be rare and something you had to look for. Now they shoved down your throat and are the entire point of some YouTube channels.
speaking of, I haven't caught/realized/seen any gaming references by myself in the wild and suddenly shouted: "Eureka!" 💡

I might tend to gravitate towards said YouTube channels or videos pointing it out to me...

It's like having a cheat sheet for where's wally 😁
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May 11, 2022
reads topic... doesn't look at 1st post.

Without cultural references most games would be stuck trying to think of Easter eggs to put in. They aren't surprises if you expect them in almost every game now.

I play games to escape reality, I don't need products in the games that remind me of reality. Or current events.

They not funny anymore. they used to be rare and something you had to look for. Now they shoved down your throat and are the entire point of some YouTube channels.
I usually don't notice most of the cultural references in a game, too busy playing. GTAV satirises reality in a pleasing way.

But I enjoyed for example just how many there were in WDs Legion(from a YT vid; tardis to Bowie tribute)).

Some were obvious like the DBD Aston Martin Bond car with missiles,etc. But the whole game references London and British culture. The Dev team spent a month researching parts of London as well as talking to the sorts of people they could use as characters. They knew British culture!

But watching those vids about war games, the author ties together; human behaviour, psychology, philosophy, history, propaganda/war films, anti war films and gaming. He showed gaming as an integrated part of that reality.

Some of the inter referencing in games to culture and reality are part of that post modern movement, but also it's a sort of tribute to aspects of culture often marginalised.
May 11, 2022
^Yes that was a good episode. 'this could very well lead to the end of the world(of warcraft)'.

The boys have to put in an immense amount of time to beat the guy who is killing all the players. Cartman even uses the toilet while playing......'Mom'.
But it also ends in a cool way with Stan's father bringing him a special sword. A virtual father- son moment to finally defeat the enemy.


Also Dry Cleaning's new song> 'just don't touch my gamin' mouse'.
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The boys have to put in an immense amount of time to beat the guy who is killing all the players. Cartman even uses the toilet while playing......'Mom'.
That was so weak - doesn't Cartman understand what socks are for??

They nailed something which really shocked me about MMO gamers using microphones: the tone of voice used. I've only seen a few videos with it, but the people talking sound like they're bored out of their minds! Planning who's going to do what at work has more excitement. We never did do the microphone thing in City of Heroes, but I would think it would have been livelier than that!
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May 11, 2022
That was so weak - doesn't Cartman understand what socks are for??

They nailed something which really shocked me about MMO gamers using microphones: the tone of voice used. I've only seen a few videos with it, but the people talking sound like they're bored out of their minds! Planning who's going to do what at work has more excitement. We never did do the microphone thing in City of Heroes, but I would think it would have been livelier than that!
(Alert- none of this thread is suitable in the office)

It's interesting, we know gaming now dominates the entertainment industry, not only in terms of sales, but in terms of what people expect and get from different forms of entertainment.

I think some of those little insights into gaming in pop culture are either interesting in terms of how gaming is viewed, or just make me laugh because there's some truth.

I'm often at an important (to me anyway) part of a game and don't want to stop. Gaming bladder syndrome or catheter!

Also the way they mix gaming up with reality and how sometimes achieving in the gaming world seems more important.

When someone mentions they are a gamer, they are viewed differently by other gamers, but also by non gamers.

A few stand ups talk about gaming in their acts, here's Dara O'Briain

May 11, 2022
Um… TV would like a quick chat in the big boys room—here's a temp pass key ;)

I keep hearing people say that gaming has a bigger income than other entertainment forms.

But tv does seem like it's a dated entertainment form in decline. Continually recycling old programmes and ideas, in ever decreasing circles of nostalgia. Plus the only real interaction is complaints and voting people off reality shows.

Maybe in the future tv will be just a series of clips on YT.

American Dad, Steve is killed in game by sister>

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May 11, 2022
Yes Charlie Brooker has used gaming in a few episodes. One of my favourites was the USS Callister, bringing together gaming and Star Trek series.
The nerdy game developer not only wants to be captain but also involves and wants control over his co workers by using their DNA to create in game clones.


That reminded me of a Star Trek episode A Taste of Armageddon, where a whole planet had been playing a war game simulation in a computer. I imagine that's the future
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But tv does seem like it's a dated entertainment form in decline. Continually recycling old programmes and ideas, in ever decreasing circles of nostalgia.
Ummm, dude? That Final Fantasy 7 Remake sure was good. Are you excited for the System Shock remake? Did you see that big sale for the Homeworld Remastered games?

Both forms have a lot of nostalgia, a lot of formulaic content, and some original stuff... if you know where to look.
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May 11, 2022
Ummm, dude? That Final Fantasy 7 Remake sure was good. Are you excited for the System Shock remake? Did you see that big sale for the Homeworld Remastered games?

Both forms have a lot of nostalgia, a lot of formulaic content, and some original stuff... if you know where to look.
I think there is a massive overlap between series/films and gaming.

But tv is just dated.....there's only a remote... no controller.

I think you can see the influence of gaming as a younger generation have reached the level of making films.
People who grew up gaming like Peter Jackson and Neill Blomkamp were making the Halo movie, it got cancelled and they made District 9.

Also The Matrix is very much influenced by gaming.

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May 11, 2022
I think all culture is popular now.:)

When I start to look into this; there are some directors whose first influences were gaming and films.
Doug Liman has said he became addicted to GTA and GoldenEye007 and gaming in general fed into his films.

In Swingers he shows a group of friends gaming. Liman said he tried real ice hockey but the game hadn't prepared him.


Later films are infuenced by gaming; The Bourne Identity 'I even toyed with possibly putting little icons on the screen, so that when Jason Bourne opened the safety deposit box, suddenly he’d have a gun and passports and money icons in the corner'(The Ringer, Video Games......influencing modern action) ,

Edge of Tomorrow, William Cage plays out a death time loop trapped at the same level.

Bourne Identity fight scene>

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