reads topic... doesn't look at 1st post.
Without cultural references most games would be stuck trying to think of Easter eggs to put in. They aren't surprises if you expect them in almost every game now.
I play games to escape reality, I don't need products in the games that remind me of reality. Or current events.
They not funny anymore. they used to be rare and something you had to look for. Now they shoved down your throat and are the entire point of some YouTube channels.
I usually don't notice most of the cultural references in a game, too busy playing. GTAV satirises reality in a pleasing way.
But I enjoyed for example just how many there were in WDs Legion(from a YT vid; tardis to Bowie tribute)).
Some were obvious like the DBD Aston Martin Bond car with missiles,etc. But the whole game references London and British culture. The Dev team spent a month researching parts of London as well as talking to the sorts of people they could use as characters. They knew British culture!
But watching those vids about war games, the author ties together; human behaviour, psychology, philosophy, history, propaganda/war films, anti war films and gaming. He showed gaming as an integrated part of that reality.
Some of the inter referencing in games to culture and reality are part of that post modern movement, but also it's a sort of tribute to aspects of culture often marginalised.