it still lacks rgb
It feels like someone searched for every item of clothing to see if it had gaming in front...
slap gaming on front, add $20 to price.
Its dumb, I don't care if people will buy it as they are dumb too. If kids see some person on E sports using them, they will want them.
I wonder if gaming carpet exists yet... nope, only rugs and they mostly just designs, not sold to enhance your gaming ability... I don't know how carpet could but if they can sell people chairs, why not.
gaming desks exist obviously, even with rgb -
gaming beds... yes, although the mattress leaves a lot to be desired.
No Gaming drawers yet... a hole in the market?
Gaming cupboards exist but mostly for cartridges or board games.
How far can you stretch the gaming idea? how much can you sell people before they wake up and go, "hang on, this is a rip off"... guess we need to ask makers of Diablo Immortal