Mainer said this about Divinity 2 - The Dragon Knight Saga, and got a sympathetic nod from me.I was actually enjoying this game until the point
I can say it about every Civ game. It's not the usual, that devs change the gameplay significantly—it's that it's a long game which progresses thru phases—eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate—where the early phases are wonderful, but the later ones, not so much. ~90% of the time, I roll a new game when I get to ½ or ⅔ thru.
Where devs changed gameplay significantly for me were in the original Far Cry and the same devs Crysis and Crysis Warhead. FC had Trigen mutants introduced halfway thru, which the Crysis games set aliens loose, both of which changed the gameplay significantly.
How about you?