Games that make you feel like a "Predator"?

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Hi all, hope you're having an awesome weekend.
I'm currently watching Predator 2 while drinking a few Cosmopolitans (I know, i'm really cool) and was thinking, excluding the AVP games and obviously Predator concrete jungle, can you think of a game that puts you in the shoes of a technologically advanced hunter much like a Yautja?
I was thinking Crysis 1 does a fantastic job creating that feeling,
Not the exact type of game I'm looking for but still, destroy all humans was a really fun game
I'd certainly suggest it mate if you're looking for a "blow off steam" kinda game, only played the demo of the remake though so my love for it comes from the original 2 on the xbox
MGS V might actually be a pretty close attempt, big ol' open world, many soldiers to hunt and stalk, quite a few gadgets to use.
Shame about it's aneurysm inducing storyline and 4 week long intro

Quite like suggestion from Frindis; I want to be a bad guy, Dishonored maybe? while not exactly bad you can still be quite unmoral
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I liked the overall story line! The bit riding the jeep is ridiculous, but that's only 15 minutes out of 50+ hours.

Let's see, what else... Rocksteady's Batman games have those stealth 'predator' bits, but that's not most of the game.
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MGS5 might be worth a revisit soon enough, I just couldn't get into it but no harm in a second attempt is there!

I was thinking about the Arkham games, especially Asylum which tends to to be more hunter heavy over the later games.
Human Revolution maybe? you can go full kill mode, invisible, launch projectiles and have view modes much like The Predator
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The most recent games that remind me being a predator was Ape out. You were several tons of gorilla as you combined stealth and brutal violence against human security. break out of test labs, a corporate office, a warzone and of course, a cargo ship and zoo.
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Jan 23, 2020
Monolith Productions' Aliens vs Predator 2 is probably the best game that comes close to that feeling, I find. It's a shame that WB Games owns them now and Gamespy's servers went ka-put, and I don't think 20th Century Fox is all too willing to give WB Interactive the rights to making a game based on that IP because competing movie studios.
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@Kaamos_Llama while that would probably be perfect for others I dismissed hunting ground as soon as it was announced, i'm sure it's fun but just not something I was looking for in a Predator game.

@Johnway I do believe Epic gave that away at some point, it looks like an absolute blast!

@flashn00b its also an absolute shame AVP2 never made it's way to Gog unlike the first AVP, both fantastic predator games, no doubt they'll still be some fan servers running somewhere


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How about Warframe? You are playing these incredibly OP, space-ninja frames, and using a vast array of wild, mostly high-tech weapons, both melee and ranged, plus you have 4 abilities that vary by the frame, several of which can go invisible. In a 10 minute mission you can kill hundreds of hapless (and some not-so-hapless) enemies. It's quite the power trip.
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While the general idea is for something perhaps a little more slow paced Warframe is still a great suggestion
I used to do lets plays of that way back when it first game it (and I was actually making videos)
Tried getting back into it recently but had the feeling it might end up being a bit too time consuming
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While the general idea is for something perhaps a little more slow paced Warframe is still a great suggestion
I used to do lets plays of that way back when it first game it (and I was actually making videos)
Tried getting back into it recently but had the feeling it might end up being a bit too time consuming

Nothing else comes to mind other than theHunter: Call of the Wild. It's all about stalking prey slowly. Just have regular bows and guns, though. You are definitely a predator.
@Johnway I do believe Epic gave that away at some point, it looks like an absolute blast!

indeed it was. In fact thats where i played it. its not long but there was a lot to like about the game. Probably one of the better things i played last year. The Audio and presentation was its strong point as the tempo was fast and changed as the carnage unfolded or subsided and the jazz was great. It was especially amusing the scenarios that pit you against normal run of the mill security to SWAT teams and eventually rocket welding or flame thrower welding soldiers trying to put your several tons of rampaging muscle down. Not to mention the environments. A personal highlight of mine was trying to escape an african warzone where you fled from bush fires, soldiers and even artillery fire as you made your escape.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
stalking prey slowly
Caught my interest until I read a few of the good Steam comments. More of a simulation it seems—ie very very slow—with the wind changing direction on a whim and ruining your last half hour of creeping up on the target.

I even get impatient with the hunting in Far Cry sometimes :D

@IndecentLouie does overpowered fit within your search? Far Cry games since FC3 have had OP'ed weapons, eg Buzzsaw, Elephant, Helicopter. I imagine plenty of other shooters do too. In FC you can clear an area—island, region—and then have it mostly to yourself if you want some simple hunting.


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Caught my interest until I read a few of the good Steam comments. More of a simulation it seems—ie very very slow—with the wind changing direction on a whim and ruining your last half hour of creeping up on the target.

It's really not that bad if you know what you are doing and are properly equipped with calls and such. There are also a scents that you can apply that prevent the wind from messing you up. The scents can even help draw an animal to you sometimes. Scout out locations and know where the animals are, etc. If you get good at it, you won't often have long dry spells.

The game regularly goes on sale for $5. You should try it out when you can grab it cheap. Also, there's a dog DLC that will be 99 cents. Grab that one, too. The dog is crucial to finding your kills if they don't drop right where you shot them, which most of the time they won't. Good Boy will save you lots of frustration.

In the worst case scenario, if you find the game too slow, you can download mods that will increase the animal population anywhere from 2X on up.
Another game comes to mind: Carrion. Play as some horrific alien worm thing as you hunt and devour humans all the while avoiding the guns. A game on my wish list and rated quite positively.

I hate to say I am so far (cry) done with Far Cry games they aren't even on my radar anymore, shant be playing another one unless it's includes a fun new premise like Blood Dragon
I really enjoyed Master of Shadows and the sequel, it's one of those perfect games that make you feel really weak unless you move on the sly and stay out of sight
@Colif You're not locked in here with spam posts, they're locked in here with you!!
I have an idea but it's somewhat pointless making another post;

Do any games make you feel like the Prey? (excluding both Prey games)
Sir, You Are Being Hunted instantly came to mind, that game was as charming as it was janky
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