FPS Games really tick me off.

Aug 18, 2024
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Why can't there be any FPS games where you don't have to be an ACROBAT! I was trying to play Atomic Heart and I can't get past this area where you have jump, catch a pole then jump on a ledge, then immediately jump to another ledge. It's a shooter for god's sake! I want to shoot not pretend I'm Lara Croft!!
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The best tip I can give is to avoid shooters with RPG elements as those will most likely have something like what you just mentioned. You need to be looking for pure FPS games like Counterstrike or older ones like Doom 1/2 (original), Hexen, Heretic, Blood, Duke Nukem, Shadow Warrior (original) and so on. Also, I know exactly what place you are talking about in Atomic Heart and I was also annoyed about it😅
I want to shoot not pretend I'm Lara Croft

I'm with you there, have made the same complaint many times. So many devs seem to think it isn't stupid and player-unfriendly to intro a chess puzzle in the middle of a checkers game!

Try the Far Cry games. There's annoying climbing in 3 and 4, and annoying multi-grappling in 4 and later, but they're not too prevalent and are doable even for a platforming klutz like me.

Sniper Ghost Warrior and Sniper Elite games are also low on the stupidity meter, and if I recall correctly, Ghost Recon Wildlands doesn't have any/much silly stuff either.
Aug 18, 2024
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I'm with you there, have made the same complaint many times. So many devs seem to think it isn't stupid and player-unfriendly to intro a chess puzzle in the middle of a checkers game!

Try the Far Cry games. There's annoying climbing in 3 and 4, and annoying multi-grappling in 4 and later, but they're not too prevalent and are doable even for a platforming klutz like me.

Sniper Ghost Warrior and Sniper Elite games are also low on the stupidity meter, and if I recall correctly, Ghost Recon Wildlands doesn't have any/much silly stuff either.
Thanks for the info. I'll give them a shot.
Aug 18, 2024
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The best tip I can give is to avoid shooters with RPG elements as those will most likely have something like what you just mentioned. You need to be looking for pure FPS games like Counterstrike or older ones like Doom 1/2 (original), Hexen, Heretic, Blood, Duke Nukem, Shadow Warrior (original) and so on. Also, I know exactly what place you are talking about in Atomic Heart and I was also annoyed about it😅
Thanks for the info. I'll give them a shot.
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That's exactly what I said in Doom Eternal! The fancy jumping things did get fun eventually in that game. I don't think Doom 2016 had any issues with that.

I do think there's a difference between fancy jumping and platforming. I don't mind moving around a lot while shooting, I loved playing the Scout in Team Fortress 2. But I dislike having to perfectly time a jump or immediately die.


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I do think there's a difference between fancy jumping and platforming.
Doom Eternal had some flat-out platforming. In fact, I've got a screenshot of one of them, right at the end of the (third?) level:
I agree!

One of the MOST obnoxious things about the mechanics in Destiny 2 is all the jumping around Bungie makes you do when completing pretty much ANY content. On top of that they give each class a unique type of jump that you have to get used to using. Its frustrating to play it esp. with people that arent good at jumping around a lot and im pretty good and it even annoys me to no end.


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