Help me identify an older FPS - going mad with frustration!

Sep 2, 2022
I used to play a great game but, as things do, I moved onto others. The other day I thought I would go back to it but cannot remember the name and cannot find the disk/floppy (was a while ago). I remember lost of parts and I wonder if anyone can help with the title. It is set in a rambling castle-like structure. Near the start you come to a room with beams above and a circular painted glass window set up high in the end wall. You had to jump onto the beam where it was lowest, stay on it until near the window then shoot the window and jump through into a tunnel. Soon after that you ae in an area with paintings on the wall and behind some are ghouls of some sort that throw stuff at you.
Does this ring a bell with anyone? I have spent hours looking on google with no luck.
Thanks in anticipation.
Sep 2, 2022
1st person I am sure as balancing on beams was always tricky looking down. It was at least 10 yeas ago and considering my preference for buying cheap, was probably old then!
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Sep 2, 2022
I wondered about Hexen or earlier Heretic but screenshots I found do not ring any bells. Trouble is that it is many yeas ago so all a bit hazy. Two other bits are remember, a long corridor which slid open revealing lava (or similar). Side corridors contained little mole hill things from which erupted things that attached you while jumping. A bit later there was a red stone (or perhaps blood stone) which you had to shoot. Weapons were fairly basic, no BFG or similar. It was a shootem up but the puzzles were a significant feature. I don't remember any story, I think it was just a matter of getting to the end.
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On a Journey
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Sep 2, 2022
Not sure of age. Would have been playing it in 2010 or so but knowing my aversion to expensive games then it would likely have been older/cheaper. It also ran on fairly lowly hardware.
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Sep 2, 2022
Have slowly gone through all those ideas (took a while as I remembered some other great games which are now installed). Sadly, none were the one I was looking for.


Sep 5, 2022
disk/floppy (was a while ago)

:oops: :unsure:o_O:sleep:

What "while ago" are we talking about here??? :LOL:

Not sure of age. Would have been playing it in 2010 or so but knowing my aversion to expensive games then it would likely have been older/cheaper.

Speaking about "disk/floppy" that must have been way older than that! I also assume someoe would rather play such a title while loading it from "abandonware" sites and/or via emulator, rather than loading a disk/floppy in 2010.

Well, there are still chances you actually mean good ole "CD-Roms" while using the wrong term "disk/floppy" for it.
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Sep 2, 2022
I cannot be certain it was not a CD-ROM but I cannot remember at all where I got it. I shall continue to think more about it for clues. I was probably playing it around 2010 but may not have been new that year.


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