Facebook help for my mother. Please help.

Feb 18, 2024
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I am pretty sure my moms Facebook has been hacked. And I am stumped as to what to do? First of all her password we type in and I changed it a long time ago is not vialled. I got the password on a sticky not on my old tablet. Second it has a different email that is unrecognizable. She did not change it either. It says tap to confirm new email. No I have not done that. And she does not know how. She is computer illiterate. She uses facebook on her phone.

So I cannot add a new email because it needs the password to to that. And I cannot change the password because it needs a Email to send the number to change the password. So I am stumped? She is in her 1960's and does not understand what I am talking about. So should she delete the Facebook account and start over? She told me she does want to do that. Or since Facebook is no help what should I do? Does anyone have any tips to help me understand what to do?

I also have a old Facebook account that has been hacked. They changed my password and Email. They are using my old account. And trust me Facebook is no help. I should know. Now I got a new account. So that happened a long time ago.

Now back to my mothers account. Not mine. What should she do? Since she is in the account using it. And like I said the password and email is trying to be changed. It will not let me add here Email. If she logs out or Facebook logs here out she will have a hard time recovering here account.

It asked for my ID for mine I would not give it. So I know she will not either. Please help me figure out what to do for my mother. I know this is not game related. Thanks.
I am pretty sure my moms Facebook has been hacked. And I am stumped as to what to do? First of all her password we type in and I changed it a long time ago is not vialled. I got the password on a sticky not on my old tablet. Second it has a different email that is unrecognizable. She did not change it either. It says tap to confirm new email. No I have not done that. And she does not know how. She is computer illiterate. She uses facebook on her phone.

So I cannot add a new email because it needs the password to to that. And I cannot change the password because it needs a Email to send the number to change the password. So I am stumped? She is in her 1960's and does not understand what I am talking about. So should she delete the Facebook account and start over? She told me she does want to do that. Or since Facebook is no help what should I do? Does anyone have any tips to help me understand what to do?

I also have a old Facebook account that has been hacked. They changed my password and Email. They are using my old account. And trust me Facebook is no help. I should know. Now I got a new account. So that happened a long time ago.

Now back to my mothers account. Not mine. What should she do? Since she is in the account using it. And like I said the password and email is trying to be changed. It will not let me add here Email. If she logs out or Facebook logs here out she will have a hard time recovering here account.

It asked for my ID for mine I would not give it. So I know she will not either. Please help me figure out what to do for my mother. I know this is not game related. Thanks.
She can make a new account and report it to Facebook. Once she gets control of her original account she can set it up to a cell phone text alert if anyone tries to change her account.
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Feb 18, 2024
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There is one of your problems right there. Anyone can access that password if they want to. Passwords should be encrypted, not put on an app in plain text.
As for the FB account. Delete it and start again.
No you do not understand. The old password was on a old tablet not on the internet. Not in a app. No one could get it. Someone hacked her and changed the password. And tried to add a new email account. The old Email is not recognized. And I cannot change the password without a Email. And cannot make a new email without the password. I am stumped.

So let's talk about my old account since you are helpful. My old account the password was lost along time ago. So I created a new account. I got the password to my old account later on. So I had 2 accounts. Now last year some guy took it over the old one. Changed the password and Email. And I cannot get it back. Facebook is no help either. They said for me to leave the guy alone. They think I am trying to be him. Funny.

So how can I get my old Facebook back and delete it? My family put on the Facebook page this guy hacked my family's old page. He deletes it. Thanks for the reply.
Feb 18, 2024
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You and your mom should contact any FB friends and warn them to beware of any messages coming from the hacked accounts.
Ok so I cannot do nothing about my old Facebook account? Even when it reported? Bummer. A lady on YouTube got in touch with attorney General through a loophole. they responded and got Facebook to Respond to her. She got her page back. I think she used hers for business?

So for moms I am going to save here pictures. The notify through messenger her friends and tell them to befriend her again.

She cannot see any messages through her messenger. It says it needs a pin number. I read online that some people got notified that they needed to do the same. And it is a new thing they will be doing to everyone. My mom got to be a test subject. she hates that.

So after I get her another free account I will give messenger a pin number. They said it was for security purpose. Thanks for the reply. If she was not still logged in she would not be able to access the account. A person has her pictures and made a spoof account. I think that is somehow they got her info and changed it?

Smart little boogers. I know a lot about computers. But I do not know everything.
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Feb 18, 2024
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There is one of your problems right there. Anyone can access that password if they want to. Passwords should be encrypted, not put on an app in plain text.
As for the FB account. Delete it and start again.
OK so I found out they did not change her phone number. Can I change the password and email with her phone number without logging out? If I log out I cannot log back in.


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