Dumb or funny reasons you stopped playing a game

Based on this Cracked article I read today, I was curious if anyone had any good stories about why they quit a game.

I myself had to stop playing Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance because of a dumb mistake I made. You see, I had recently hooked up my GameCube to my TV again and had been playing through the Lord of the Rings: Return of the King game with my wife and she enjoyed it more than I expected. So I decided to see if there were any other games for the GameCube we could play together. However, GameCube games aren't easily available any more, so the only copy of Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance I could find was from German Amazon (I live in the Netherlands).

We get the game and start it up and everything is in German. So I start looking around for the language options, only to realize there are none. The game is only in German.

Now I might have been able to make it through the game with my limited knowledge of German, but my wife is American and doesn't understand any of it. And half understanding German and actually translating it to English are two very different things, so we gave up.

The worst part is that this wasn't the first time this happened to me. My brother once bought The Curse of Monkey Island while we were on vacation in Germany and we had the exact same problem then. We did actually manage to finish that game though (with some help from a walkthrough of course, as the Monkey Island games are almost impossible to beat without).
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May 31, 2020
I have a really dumb reason that keeps happening! I'll really get into a game, stay up too late playing, then wake up the next day feeling like crap. Then the next time I come to game I've mentally associated feeling like crap with the game and the urge to play is gone.

Should really work on better sleep habits :)
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I have a really dumb reason that keeps happening! I'll really get into a game, stay up too late playing, then wake up the next day feeling like crap. Then the next time I come to game I've mentally associated feeling like crap with the game and the urge to play is gone.

Should really work on better sleep habits

Somewhat related: whenever I play Dwarf Fortress I tend to play for several hours at a time, usually until late at night (the first time I played I went to bed at 7 am).

However, when I return to the game, I've often forgotten what I had been doing in the many hours I played last session and I don't feel like trying to figure out what to do next.

It's not so bad if I play again the next day, but the longer it's been since my last session, the worse it gets. It helps to keep some notes, but I'm unfortunately a lazy note keeper :p.

Civilization is another series where I can't get back into it if I try to resume a game, although that doesn't really have much to do with not knowing what I was doing as much as me just preferring the early game.
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May 31, 2020
However, when I return to the game, I've often forgotten what I had been doing in the many hours I played last session and I don't feel like trying to figure out what to do next.
Have this problem too! I've played the start of all my favorite games to death. Have only finished/won only a select few. Have played A LOT of various versions of Civilization. Think only seen a run through on Civ 4.
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Have this problem too! I've played the start of all my favorite games to death. Have only finished/won only a select few. Have played A LOT of various versions of Civilization. Think only seen a run through on Civ 4.

I don't have this problem with most games, really only with games that require a lot of management. I finished Mass Effect after not playing for a few months and it wasn't an issue (I'm lucky I got a good memory).

Building management games are the worst to jump into after you've been away for a while. Anno comes to mind as another series where I have to finish a game the same day I started.

But most strategy games are hard for me to pick back up. Crusader Kings 2 (or any other grand strategy from Paradox) and the Total War series for example. Civilization, as I've mentioned before. Heroes of Might and Magic.

And there's no way I'm getting back to an RTS saved in the middle of a game.
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
I stopped playing Yakuza 0 after failing singing karaoke. I am not worthy to play the game before I have trained myself to a level of excellence. Only then I will jump back in and dazzle the audience with my flair, deep samurai spirit voice and exotic wiggle wiggles.
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Stardew valley. i've made millions, i'm friends with everyone and I've completed all the quests. I stopped playing when i couldn't decide which of the fine ladies i wanted as a wife. I could carry on making more money, but there didn't seem any point. Couldn't decide who i wanted to be my digital waifu and so i decided to stop playing there as a natural stopping point. I might go back to the game one day. Maybe.
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Community Contributor
I remember that I stopped playing The Witcher 1 because I decided to kill Vincent Meis werewolf just to get an ingredient needed to develop one unique skill. It struck me so hard that I couldn't continue. :) Thankfully now I'm more resistant to such decisions. These are only computer games after all.
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Jan 13, 2020
Stopped playing Control, about 30 minutes in because I couldn't stand the endless hallucinations, annoying difficulty, blurry graphics, and not being able to tell what was real or not. I definitely did not give that game a chance, lmao.
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Jan 22, 2020
I quit Alpha Protocol because I couldn't stand the mini-games. It's still the only game I've quit for that reason. (The games were really designed for controllers and I was using mouse/keyboard.)

I quit Alpha Protocol because the sneak animation made it look like the MC had dropped a load in his drawers.
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