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Sep 20, 2021
Fair comment, your two threads indeed went unanswered. The first one "Looking into a PC" is my fault—I should have moved it from the General Gaming forum to System Building, where there's a better chance of someone being able to help.

I moved it just now—do you still need help on that topic?
Fyi we try our best, but we're limited on hardware knowledge here, so Tom's Hardware is a better alternative for hardware-focused questions.

Your second thread "Having trouble with Graphics Rendering" is in the correct Troubleshooting forum. I suspect it's a simple case of no one who's read it has anything useful to contribute—I know I don't, even with my limited hardware & gaming knowledge, it seems a strange situation.

For anyone who wants to have another look:

Thanks for reaching out to me. I think I’m good now for the most part. I’m not expecting to receive the best answer upon posting my thread but it just seemed nobody was interested in saying anything which was strange because other forums I have been on such as fly fishing or tarantula forums( yes I have a wide range of hobbies lol) people got with me immediately. But I’m good now I believe as I have reached elsewhere for answers. Thanks for getting back with me though.
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