Do any games you play reflect real life

A puzzle is a puzzle weather in a newspaper or on a pc.
Diablo type games could be called fantasy.
Most war games are pretend wars but their are a few exceptions such as battle for midway because it actually happened.

The only true to life game i can think of is the one i am currently hooked on called SATISFACTORY , it is a factory building game and reflects real life because just like real life productions , if you try to put plastic in a machine you will not get copper sheet out of the other side. I have never done a game like this before so it hs been a steep learning curve for me , very hard to get to grips with but enjoyable.

Their is an odd thing that for me at least has carried itself over from real life into the game.
In real life i suffer from something called tinitus , it effects my balance and on a bad day i cant stand on a stool to clean the windows outside.

So this is how my health problem enters the game.

1. I cant stand on top of a storage container and do view below
2. I built a lookout tower equivalent to 240 metres high , i had to make floors and walls around me as i was going up because i could not look down and when finished i had to work my way back down and delete the temporary floors and wall from below so i did not have to look down.
3. When building conveyors high up through tree tops i had to put mouse pointer into the distance , make a piece of walkway and go up to it and repeat the process till finished , if i looked down i would fall forwards in my chair !!!!!


Community Contributor
Jan 13, 2020
Usually if a game reflects real life I avoid it. I drove trucks for my company for multiple years, doing over-the-road driving back and forth across the continental United States. I see people playing American Truck Driving Simulator and my first thought is, "absolutely not!"

I get how it could be appealing, but for someone who used to drive over-the-road as part of their job I'd rather spend my time in games that are less distinguishable to reality!


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Definitely the Dark Souls series/Elden Ring. For me the meaning of life is to become the greatest version of yourself you can possibly be, BUT, doing so is really, REALLY hard at times. I think those games perfectly portray that internal struggle.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Satisfactory went on my list straight away when I saw it—I worked in manufacturing for 15 years. During that time, and for 5 years after, I also used to teach much of the supply chain stuff. Another lecturer and I put together a little game for the Just In Time module—"Hey look Barry, dey dun sthole our idea!"—so I've always been interested in these kinds of games.

I was dragged up on a small farm in a rural community, so I've also dropped an eye on the various farming etc games—all they do however is remind me of why I don't want to return to that life, it's not nearly as romantic as it looks from a distance :)

Similar with sports games. I played a good few when younger, and have never found a game which comes close to the on-field / on-court experience. I guess that's because a lot of real sport is about anticipating what teammates and/or opponent(s) are going to do—it'll be a while yet before AI can replicate that on an individual player basis.

So yeah, the Satisfactory-type games are the only real life representations I fancy revisiting. They do have the big advantage of not having to deal with obstructionist little emperors too!
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On a Journey
No. I mean, I played the Sims and then thought... why am I playing a pretend life when I can do live my own any time I am not playing. Even in a game that wanted to recreate reality I still used cheats so I could get more time in a day for sleep and do what I wanted to do.

Usually if a game reflects real life I avoid it. I drove trucks for my company for multiple years, doing over-the-road driving back and forth across the continental United States. I see people playing American Truck Driving Simulator and my first thought is, "absolutely not!"

Farming Simulator was what made me say that, and I am not even a farmer. I don't know why anyone would want to do that in a game... when there is so much choice... same reaction when I watch people play Monopoly online... why? you have so much choice. We only played it as there was no choice.
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But games, like all stories, reflect real life. Often times the parts that aren't real are only set that way so you can focus more easily on the parts that do reflect real life! There's no escape for you, @WoodenSaucer!! Muuuhahahahahahaaaa!
I mean, I guess I might play games that are similar to real life, but different than my real life. Does something like Forza Horizon count? You're driving around in a car. The fact that you can crash through anything and keep driving makes it not very realistic, though.
Farming Simulator was what made me say that, and I am not even a farmer. I don't know why anyone would want to do that in a game... when there is so much choice... same reaction when I watch people play Monopoly online... why? you have so much choice. We only played it as there was no choice.
I just talked to my 65 year old uncle the other day. He has an XB1 and plays Farming Simulator 19 on it. He has always been against the internet, and you pretty much have to have the internet for gaming these days. He's about to crack because he says he's desperate to play Farming Simulator 22. :LOL:


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