Difference between these two laptops?

Aug 25, 2021
Two main reasons:

1. Two different retailers with their own pricing policies.

2. The 15.6 price is the lowest it's ever been. It's $620 now, whereas 6 months ago it was as high as $780—the big price drops started happening in late May.
I figured but wanted to make sure. Would you suggest this or the swift 3 14 inch?
Aug 10, 2021
i know this can happen from having had experience with other electronic equipment but when sales happen,its often because theyre end of line-ive also had this issue with acer laptops in the past.
i woud speak to lenovo if i was you and ask them about the specific editions if theyre discontinueing them or any parts very soon,before buying.
it coud be the cheaper,bigger screen one is being discontinued a lot sooner, or parts of it are being discontinued so if this was the case and you ended up buying it and having a problem, it can actualy get tricky and sometimes impossible to get brand new parts.

it coud also even be something like financial overheads,itll cost walmart a lot more to sell as they have physical shops whereas amazon is a bunch of warehouses.

they might not be gaming laptops, but they dont sound bad at all really depending on what your expectations of it are-its running a ryzen 7 CPU with onboard radeon graphics-it shoud be enough for games that are not to flashy and GPU intensive.
as far as i know you shoud have quite high dedicated VRAM with it-somewhere around 6GB, i have a ryzen 7 based entry level gaming laptop which has a dedicated graphics RTX card, but a few games have prefered my onboard, due to the VRAM.
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