Destiny 2: Witch Queen thoughts

Maybe PCG will do a proper review of this in the future but this new expansion is right up there at the top with the best of them (The Taken King/Forsaken), maybe a 1st place contender. The "state" of Destiny to me is pretty good right now too with the restructuring of how abilities and mods in gear/weapons work. New exotic SMG is amazing to shoot and the new dialogue/cinematics are great to see. I def. see Sony money on this expansion and im excited to see where the next couple expansions go.

This expansion is also meatier than the last couple to me, there seems to be a lot more to chase after and the gear leveling is a longer spread this time around. There is also a new variant of enemy to fight that is challenging. Along with this, Bungie has offered the campaign with a "legendary" mode which is nice to see since the campaigns are usually easy to run through.

QoL improvements are nice to see too as a veteran player. The menus are pretty laggy though and im chalking that up to being a new season, hopefully its smoothed out quick, it does detract from trying to navigate them in game. Other than minor issues like that, game is in a good spot for me.
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A nerd that found his place
Community Contributor
Jan 17, 2020
While I want to hop back in, their lack of following through with promises has made me leave the game. I have close to 1k hours in it and used to be part of a decent raid team. I started backing away though when they started removing content. Never have I seen a game remove content that people paid for. They say it will come back in time, but it's been over a year and we have less content now than we did after the first expansion. Not sure they can get my trust back. I hope the best for your experience though!
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Ayy! I figured this expansion needed a proper review.

While I want to hop back in, their lack of following through with promises has made me leave the game. I have close to 1k hours in it and used to be part of a decent raid team. I started backing away though when they started removing content. Never have I seen a game remove content that people paid for. They say it will come back in time, but it's been over a year and we have less content now than we did after the first expansion. Not sure they can get my trust back. I hope the best for your experience though!

With the addition of a legendary campaign, i would say jump back in and try it, esp. if you found yourself to be good at a part of high end content like a raid. Content vaulting was something that never bothered me, i got my moneys worth. Honestly if they didnt vault anything Destiny would be bloated with a lot of dead content and it would, imo, have had a negative impact on later seasons. As a clan leader i see people joining all the time and loving the game and dont seem to be bothered by all the content they cant get anymore.
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Ok. So after playing for a couple weeks, trying out the new raid which is pretty fun, and playing through all the new content. Destiny 2 is in its best place it has been despite content vaulting, despite its pvp problems, despite its decision to not play on steam deck ( 😔 ) and despite menus being sluggish. The story is getting better too. New storylines implemented, new dialogue, its just all really great to any fan of destiny. The new abilities added to the void subclass of all classes (going invisible when doing finishers (executions for those who dont know) (y)(y)(y)(y)(y)), the buff in weapon perks on top of new perks are all pretty great.

New exotics are fun af to use too.
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