Demos—post game demos here

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Jan 25, 2022
Brigand: Oaxaca will always have a free demo:

And there's a demo for my upcoming RPG/RTS Warlordocracy:

I am trying really hard to not make it early access.


Community Contributor
Played an hour or so of that, good enough to get on my wishlist. Played well for a game which hasn't reached Early Access yet.

I hope it's not going to require constant hoovering up of resources—that could get old after the first 1,000.

Of course I have no idea about Planet Crafter, but in a lot of survival games you need less resources overall, but more rare ones, as the game progresses. For instance, there may be a way to automate getting iron and oxygen so that you don't have to worry about that as much, but then you need a small amount of gold, or something, that you have to travel a bit to find.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Chorus looks like a 3rd-person space arcade shooter.


Community Contributor
A selection of the demos released onto Steam this week (chosen based only on whether they looked to me like they were of reasonable quality):


Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
who doesn't want to be a mutant seagull
Gust of Wind Demo: Yeah, no.

Got in my boat, rowed for 5 minutes. Checked map—nothing, no indication where I am, where destination is.
Rowed another 5.
Decided there are better things in life than my forefinger on W.

Graphics are nice, boat, seagulls, water swell, rowing. So there is promise.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Bugged Dungeon -- Isometric puzzle game that will also support user-generated levels in the Steam Workshop
This is a cool puzzle game—reminds me of one of my fav puzzle devs from the 90s, whose name escapes me at the moment.

In the few levels I played, it's all about the WASD keys on your KB. You use those to move around the grid, but… you don't have access to all 4 keys at the start!

Move with whatever keys you have to grab the missing keys, then make your way to the exit door. Of course the grid has obstacles and traps all over it—the spikes traps require timing to move thru them without dying.

Neat idea, tricky puzzles with a generous timer.


Community Contributor
Jan 13, 2020
Gave this a short shot. Too much sim for my level of impatience, uninstalled.

Interesting. I likened it to S.P.A.Z. because of the lack of the third dimension.. but you are right it is definitely more in the sim category for a top-down. I haven't been back to it for a week or so now but since ring dives usually only take about a half hour I'll probably come back for more in the future.


Community Contributor
Jan 13, 2020
Here is another one I just got on sale and played with this weekend: "Residual"

Not bad. Would be good for teenagers. I didn't figure everything out yet and I'm more slightly frustrated by lack of direction instead of intrigued.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
FrankenStorm TD Prologue … looks interesting to me—and I play very few TDs
This little fella is basic but fun.
Same towers, same enemies.
You build your own maze with electric wires, and you can only place towers on a wire.

Enemies have to destroy switches en route to clobber you, so make 'em walk the long way round and back again, so your towers get 2-3 bites at 'em.

After each wave, you get to select 1 of 3 random upgrades. These upgrade both you and enemies much of the time, sometimes there are extra wires and a tower for you without penalty.

I've only played an hour or so—they got thru on wave 12 I think it was, and you lose the game when that happens. I'll definitely be giving this a few more shots, as I like the relative lack of choice—I avoid TD mainly due to all the fussing around with options, the genre doesn't interest me beyond a bit of nearly mindless fun.
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A small selection of demos on Steam for the Next Fest. There's really so many of them that it's overwhelming. Tastes vary. You should go check it out for yourself:

Kind of interested in running a colony ship. Going to try this one out.

There goes the rest of my life

An updated Egyptian city-builder that looks very, very good.

Trailer cracked me up. It's what would happen if you asked me to restore a priceless piece of art.

Oh God

The next City Skylines?

Seems well-done

Brew stuff, build planes, fight pirates. What's not to love?

Apparently drawing from a popular tabletop game.

Single-player vehicular combat game.

Cute looking colony sim.

Hillbilly business sim

An archery game involving mythology

Seems worth a demo play to me.

Trailer is running at sub-30 FPS, but I love a good survival game.
Fata Deum

Reminiscent of Black & White, it's a God game where you can be a benign or malign deity looking over the inhabitants of the world, while competing with one or more rival gods.

I've had this game wishlisted since I first heard about it. I'm just not sure if I should risk playing the demo, as the game hasn't been released yet so I'm not sure how stable/polished the demo will be.
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I actually only got to try two demos today. I tried Ixion, which I've been interested in since E3 last year, and it was very good.

Then I tried My Museum, which I didn't include above because it is published by PlayWay. The game starts with 10 minutes of the worst dialogue I have ever heard anywhere. I would expect any 5th grader could do a better job of writing dialogue. Then I get to the museum part, and it tells me to knock down the wall between the museum and the workshop. So i do, but it still tells me I need to knock down the wall and won't let me progress. It's not like it is complicated and something you might mess up. You just whack it with the hammer and it completely disappears. Another PlayWay masterpiece,

I left them a bug report and a friendly critique on their dialogue.


Community Contributor
I tried High Rise City this morning. I don't actually like city builders, but wanted to give it a try. I created a new city and named my mayor "The Slayer". In real life, the mayor of my city is the WWE wrestler "The Undertaker". It's nice having a mayor who can beat up any other mayor, so I wanted to continue in this fashion.

I'm rather picky and almost quit immediately as the first message I got before I even constructed anything was "Your citizens need medical buildings for their disease," but things got better after that. Zoning and building roads was quite easy, as was setting up utilities. I haven't really spent much time in city builders before, and i wonder if it wasn't too easy. In no time I had a nice city going. I'm sure a myriad of annoying problems with the city would eventually occur, and I just didn't play long enough to get there.

I don't really have anything else to compare it with, but if you like city builders, you might want to check out the free demo.


Community Contributor
Tried out Dinosaur Fossil Hunter, another one I left out of the list. It's made by yet another small Polish indie team. This one, however, seems to give a darn, as the demo was very polished.

It was all a little tedious to me, but I can see a lot of people really liking it. First you have to drive to the excavation point in what is an aggressive attempt to mimic Spintires. You are clearing the path, putting your truck in 4x4 to cross muddy roads, etc. Then you arrive at the site and set up your camp and scan for places to dig. You start digging (3 different tools depending on the situation) and as you find larger rocks you scan them for fossils. If you find one, you clean it up, cover it in plaster and place it in a shipping container. Once you have all the shipping containers filled, you put them in the back of your truck and head back to the main area where you have the containers sent back to your museum.

That's just the opening salvo. Once you get back to the museum you have to do a laundry list of things to each fossil.

I suppose this is as close to reality as they could make it. It wasn't overly fun to me, but that's just a me thing.
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Thought I would come back to this and post a few demos. It's been a month since I checked them, so I'm not sure I'll look at all of them.

co-op or single-player

Set up and play poker with your friends. Friends play in their browser, so you only need 1 copy of the game.

Seems cute. Play as historical figures in turn-based combat against reptiles.

Point&click. Looks well made.

single-player. Looks fun, but I'm not sure about the "roguelike" part

pixilated strategy

Fast moving, single-player FPS

2D platformer

single-player horror FPS. I like the art style.

Not sure about this. I like the neon graphics, but the driving looks like crap. I might try it.


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