Question Dark Mode?

Aug 1, 2022
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Is there a dark mode for PC Gamer and it's forums and if not in 2022, why? It's a basic feature for people that don't want their eyes strained staring at bright white screens all day. It would take all of a few minutes to implement.
An alternative which might suit you better—in that it will work for most sites—is to use your browser's dark mode, which is what I do:


It's not perfect, makes some bits look odd, and of course if text is hard coded as black/dark, you won't see it easily.
It shows Style chooser if you hover mouse over it
It is a style choice across all future forums I use to have the name of current theme there. There might be a valid reason it is so. I don't have proof but good chance there aren't many servers running all the forums so they probably store themes centrally for all forums. Would make sense what shows there is current theme name.

Note: whatever you do, don't choose default theme. It can take a while to work out how to get out of it again... I am surprised its still a choice.
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Reactions: Brian Boru


Community Manager
Staff member
We warn folks to avoid that Default style option in the instructions, so hopefully others avoid running into that issue.

Xenforo controls the names of their functions, so we can't really change any of that, but we can look into potential options for the future. It seems unlikely that there would be any changes in the near future as everything works as it should, the naming just isn't ideal.

If anyone ever wants additional guides on forum features they can let us know here in the Forum and Features subforum.

Thanks again!


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