Razer make reasonable good hardware and then ruin it with Synapse.
Helping 1 guy today, has Orbweaver Game pad, its only a few years old and works fine but drivers are throwing errors.
Seems Razer bought rights from Belkin to make game pads, slapped rgb on it, remove functionality and increased price. Now people with the old ones have been complaining to Rzaer expecting them to change it but you won't get anywhere as they have sold the sub par ones in 4 generations now and want you to shut up
He just doesn't realize they don't care. They can sell their crappy version as the competition is worse or non existent.
Razers audience is kids who watch E sports and want to use the same crap their hero's use and Razer is there with flashing green rgb covered crap.
Same story as Logitech 10 to 15 years ago, hardware was solid but software sucked. Their software improved when they weren't top maker. Razer is near top now but they don't deserve to be. Guess Synapse will be good in 10 years when someone else is top mouse maker.
My Z5500's used to be louder than the Z906 can be. They just stopped working and I had to swap to Z906.
Helping 1 guy today, has Orbweaver Game pad, its only a few years old and works fine but drivers are throwing errors.
Seems Razer bought rights from Belkin to make game pads, slapped rgb on it, remove functionality and increased price. Now people with the old ones have been complaining to Rzaer expecting them to change it but you won't get anywhere as they have sold the sub par ones in 4 generations now and want you to shut up
Razers audience is kids who watch E sports and want to use the same crap their hero's use and Razer is there with flashing green rgb covered crap.
Same story as Logitech 10 to 15 years ago, hardware was solid but software sucked. Their software improved when they weren't top maker. Razer is near top now but they don't deserve to be. Guess Synapse will be good in 10 years when someone else is top mouse maker.
My Z5500's used to be louder than the Z906 can be. They just stopped working and I had to swap to Z906.