Company of Heroes 2

Jan 21, 2025
Thanks for taking a look. Using Win 10 PC to play Steam version of CoH 2, specifically Ardennes Assault Campaign.
I am painfully aware that the game seems to be deliberately designed to NOT allow a player to create any "saves" mid game.
It is only possible to "withdraw", which I presume confers great penalties.
I have almost zero computer knowledge.
I am searching for an extremely simple-to-install Mod for this game that will allow me to Save Game any time I want to.
I am playing on "Easy" level and find the game EXTREMELY frustrating. It "sucker punches" me constantly.
I am not a masochist. I do not like frustration.
As far as I could find there is no way to save the game in the middle of an Ardennes Assault mission besides using the Save & Quit option, restarting the game to load the save, then using Alt + F4 to quit the game when you want to load your last save.
Jan 21, 2025
As far as I could find there is no way to save the game in the middle of an Ardennes Assault mission besides using the Save & Quit option, restarting the game to load the save, then using Alt + F4 to quit the game when you want to load your last save.
Thanks. Is there at least a mod that BALANCES the Ardennes Assault campaign? I"ve reached the Eschdorf mission, and it is not fun. Outnumbered 10 to 1, outgunned and an obnoxious mission completion timer. I've been reading that some kind of "multiplayer patch" ruined the single player campaign, and that there is no way to fix it. I'm playing the Steam version.
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Thanks. Is there at least a mod that BALANCES the Ardennes Assault campaign? I"ve reached the Eschdorf mission, and it is not fun. Outnumbered 10 to 1, outgunned and an obnoxious mission completion timer. I've been reading that some kind of "multiplayer patch" ruined the single player campaign, and that there is no way to fix it. I'm playing the Steam version.

Perhaps this works:

Not sure if it works for Ardennes Assault as well, but I assume so.