Bit of an off-topic post even for the Cornerclub, but I felt like sharing an exciting personal achievement. The year 2020 has been fairly rotten so far in all kinds of ways, but I've also experienced some personal growth in between all the turmoil. I actually recently acquired my first college degree at the age of 32, which I'm very proud of. I wasn't that keen on studying in my teens, but I've started to make up for lost time and it's paid dividends.
Another milestone this year was getting appointed to a full-time manager's position in the company that I work for. Better hours and better pay are the highlights, but there's some additional benefits such as paid-for training courses, paid overtime etc.
It's because of this and the fact that I had a very emotional start to 2020 that I felt like rewarding myself with something nice for
me, so I did what any responsible adult would probably not have done this year and bought myself a car! Well, I ordered one, it'll be a few months before it's actually here.
Here in the Netherlands the speed limit is a 100 km/h and the roads are generally very narrow and busy, so there would be little point in getting something big, brash and ridiculous. Instead I wanted something small that looks smart, is fun to drive and will be economical and somewhat environmentally-friendly. I'm not quite ready to buy into electric cars, but I do like the idea of electric motors, so what I settled on is this:
It's the 2020
Renault Clio E-Tech Hybrid. I test drove it twice last month and let me tell you, this car is a laugh. It's quick off the line, very smooth to drive and feels great around corners. It's well equipped, too: 9.3-inch infotainment screen with Android Auto support, heated leather seats and wheel, parking cameras and sensors all around, adaptive cruise control, emergency brake systems, LED lights front and back, the works. The colour in the picture is the colour I'm getting and I
love it.
You can probably imagine I won't be upgrading to the RTX 3000 series anytime soon.