Check out the development of Wild Terra 2: New Lands.

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Jan 25, 2020
Major Update 2.0.251


We launched a test server to debug major changes, added the ability to assign residents, Hero rewards, new sounds and music, and many other improvements and fixes. The game is now also available in Polish and French.

Purchase a pack and start playing in closed testing

More details about test server:
New high-level dungeon already available on the test server.

Changelog. Major Update 2.0.251
The game is now available in Polish and French! Many thanks to everyone who contributed to the translation of the game.

What's new:
- Added the ability to designate players as "residents" on your territory. A player can be a resident of only one dominium (his own, or another player). If you are a resident outside of your territory, you will also have access to a personal warehouse in the dominium, and a pointer to the house will be displayed.
We want to make it possible to live comfortably with a friend on the same territory. Later, a restriction on the number of residents will be added, it will be possible to use the help of a friend during construction and crafting. We will closely monitor post-implementation feedback to ensure that balances and limits are properly adjusted.
- Hero owners can now build unique towers and statues. Some time after the update, you will need to re-enter the reward key to unlock new recipes.
- Now, when leaving the dungeon, the player is invulnerable for 15 seconds, or until he starts to move or do something.
- Disabled flowers and other small decorative bushes. We'll add them later in the form of harvested herbs used in crafting items, consumables, and food.
- Slightly improved the visibility of harvested herbs and berries.
- Now, if the food has effects, then it can be eaten even if the satiety is full.
- Now slows from equipment (for example, from a backpack) do not apply when using mounts.
- Now, when interacting with an NPC, the character is automatically dismounted.
- Skeletons are now immune to bleeding and poisoning.
- Added the ability to sort items in closets.
- Added the ability to build stone walls 1 cell wide.
- Added city and bridges to the minimap.

- Significantly increased the upper tensile durability for most weapons, tools, shields, and armor made of bronze.
- Now the durability of the weapon from triggered parries is reduced by only 1 point, and the durability of armor and shield is reduced by 25% instead of 33% of the absorbed or blocked damage.
- Reduced skill requirements for crafting bronze and leather armor.
- It will now be possible to create improved versions of reward helmets and rings so that they lag less behind their counterparts created in the game.
- Now, if an ability is interrupted before using it with a stun, then you have to wait for the cooldown of this ability. - Affects both animals and monsters, as well as players and their pets.
- Significantly increased the throw time for all mountain warriors.
- Fixed a bug due to which the damage from some abilities was calculated incorrectly, ignoring protective effects and bonuses.
- The movement speed reduction when equipping backpacks is now 20% instead of 30%.

- Now the quest to build a structure will be considered completed if you have already built such a building in your dominium zone. Unpacking buildings also counts towards quests.
- Increased the chance of a root crop spawning on the starting island, now it also spawns in an abandoned village.
- Fixed a bug due to which the identification of several items in the same stack was not taken into account in the quest and the amount of experience gained.
- Fixed a bug due to which items received as a reward for quests were given with zero durability.

Sounds and Music:
- Added skeletons sound fx.
- Added dwarfs sound fx.
- Added music in the Church.
- Added music in the Cave.
- Improved the sounds of taking damage to the character.
- Decreased the volume for the sound effects of failure and chopping down a tree.

Other fixes:
- Fixed jerks in the movement of animals and monsters.
- Fixed a bug due to which rewards could be transferred through the trade window.
- Fixed a bug due to which the character turned downside if the abilities on the panel are clicked with the mouse.
- Fixed a bug due to which reward helmets were issued with zero durability.
- Fixed a bug due to which officers could not demote and increase the rank of other guild members.
- Fixed a bug due to which the character could remain on the mount when unpacking buildings from the dominium.
- Fixed errors that occurred when creating a new character, if the name is already taken. Character creation error messages are now localized.
- Fixed a bug due to which, after creating 5 characters, a situation could arise when the server began to disconnect when trying to connect to it.
- Fixed a bug due to which campfires and beds could be moved or unpacked outside the dominium so that their owner did not reset and the disappearance timer did not appear.
- Fixed a bug due to which the check for satiety on food only occurred after the timer expired.
- Fixed a bug due to which when repairing one item from the vendor, it did not disappear in the repair list.
- Fixed a localization error made by translators, due to which an error with quests appeared in the German version of the game.
- Improved visual display of iron ore.
- Reduced the darkening effect around the corners.
- Small animals no longer move the character.

Thanks so much for reading and comments! ^^
Jan 25, 2020
Major Update 2.0.255. Winter, new dungeon and town halls!


A new dungeon is already available! Now Dominiums occupy only 1 square, added Town Halls, villas and statues. Snow has fallen in the world of Wild Terra 2, many bugs have been fixed and some improvements have been added.

You have not lost items from the dominium warehouse, they are now in the storehouse of the Town Hall.

Purchase a pack and start playing on closed testing
Town Halls and Dominiums
- Now dominiums occupy only 1 square in the center of the territory and are used to manage the territory. You have not lost items from the dominium warehouse, they are now in the storehouse of the Town Hall.
- Added a new type of building the Town Hall. This building is used for access to the personal warehouse as well as the management of residents. The better the Town Hall, the more people can live on your territory, and more storage cells are available.

To unlock new recipes, you must re-enter the reward key some time after the update.
- Added recipes for villas (town halls) for owners of the Hero and the Prosperous Merchant packs, as well as the Great Tower for Kings. The inner part of the Town Hall and the wine cellar will be added later.
- Added recipes for dragon statues for Heroes and Kings.

New dungeon
- Added a large dungeon with monsters, bosses, new rewards and mechanics. Please note that this dungeon is for high level players.
Many thanks to everyone who helped test the new dungeon!

General improvements
- Improved optimization when snow falls. The initial season on the server will be winter for some time.
- Added sound effects for the Master of the Mountains.
- Improved initial quests, taking into account the separation of the Town Hall and Dominium.
- More branches now fall from trees on the starting island and birches.
- Simplified fox taming so that the initial quest to tame it on the island does not take so long.
- Now the success rate for loot and recipes is displayed even if the tool is not yet equipped. The best tool in the inventory is taken into account, which will be used when automatically equipping.
- Slightly increased the distance at which objects of the world appear when the character moves, to avoid situations where they appear suddenly.
Jan 25, 2020
Wild Terra 2 Online will be launched on Jan 28th 2021.

Update 2.0.260. Chat redesign, Feudal lords and Peons

The wipe before Early Access release will take place on January 26 at 9:00 am PST.


Changelog. Update 2.0.260

Added Italian and Japanese languages. Thanks to everyone who helps translate the game!

Completely redesigned Chat

- Chat channels are now tabbed. You can choose to display all messages at once, or messages from a specific channel, for example, "Trade".

- Now in the drop-down list, you can choose which channel your message will be sent to.

- Now you can scale the chat window, move it, or completely hide it, leaving only the icon.

- Added display of notifications about new messages. For example, if the active tab is currently "Private", then when new messages appear in the "Group" or "Guild" channel, you will see a notification next to the tab icon.

We will continue to improve chat, with new features coming in the future, such as “Show Item in Chat”.

Feudal lords and Peons

- Now, when creating a character, you will be offered a choice of origin: create a Feudal lord, or a Peon. (All current characters will automatically become Feudal Lords).

Feudal Lord

- May have land for buildings (i.e. own the Dominium)...

- He starts on the Starting Island, after completing tutorial quests, he will go to the continent with a base set of resources, buildings, and money.

- You can have no more than 1 feudal lord on your account.


- Can not have their own land.

- Starts on a continent with no money or resources (skips starting quests).

- You will need to become a resident of the feudal lord (you can settle on your Feudal Lord land).

Other changes and improvements

- Added a helmet for the Builder pack. To receive it - enter your Builder rewards key.

- Now, as a reward for completing many quests, money is given, so after sailing from the Starting Island, a good initial capital is already being collected.

- Now you will see a pointer on the direction your ship (which is being built for sailing to the Continent).

Help us translate the game into your native language!

We need your help! We are not looking for professional translators. If you want to help, understand English, and are a native speaker of any of the languages not yet added to the game - please write to us at indicate the language in the subject line.) You can see the current readiness of translations on the screenshot.
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Reactions: brilianmaulana
Jan 25, 2020

Update 2.0.275. Windmill, alcohol, combat system, coocking, and more!

This update adds a wooden windmill, the ability to brew alcoholic drinks, and other improvements and fixes.

New features:

- You can now craft alcohol. Brew different types of beer and other drinks! The more you drink, your drunkenness will increase, this will affect your character with effects and messages of drunks.
- With the appearance of alcoholic beverages also comes the new buildings: Wooden mill, Fermentation barrel that they will allow you to process the needed materials.
- Added the ability to create Sugar from Sugar Syrup. And sugar syrup is now obtained by evaporating beets/honey in a cauldron.
- 1 sapling is now used for planting grapes, pears, apples,
- New crops for cultivation. Fruit trees, strawberries, beets, cabbage, onions, garlic, peas, grapes will become available

Improved cooking:

- Medium and high-level food will become more in demand and valuable, some of the recipes and effects been reworked, new ones will appear, including “hidden” recipes (dishes that can only be cooked by experimenting). New coocking tools: Butcher cleavers and wooden rolling pins added.

Improvement of the combat system
  • Stage 1. Adding the role of the Tank: skill “Heavy shields”, improvement aggro, and the effect “In battle” - which prohibits removing/putting on a heavy shield and armor during a battle.
  • Now, in addition to the Provocation ability, Heavy Shield Strike will also increase the desire to attack you. Ability descriptions now display the numerical value of threat points depending on the skill level.
  • Tanks now do slightly less damage.
  • Shields are now divided into light and heavy (both the items themselves and the skills for their possession). Added new active and passive abilities to both skills. Blocking melee and ranged attacks are now separate stats.
  • Reworked the aggression system for mobs. The "Provocation" active ability has been added to the Heavy Shields skill. Players can now provoke a target on themselves by acting as tanks. The effectiveness of the ability depends on the level of the Heavy Shields skill. Dealing high damage can also cause a mob to change its target.

    Plan to release the next major update on April 15thWhat will be included in this update.
Dungeons for solo players. Small dungeons with randomly generated rooms, enemies and loot to make it more interesting to replay. You can only enter the dungeon alone.

We are planning to make two types of dungeons:
  • Resource mines. Dungeons of a few rooms, where in addition to not challenging mobs, you will be able to mine iron and other resources. The entrance to such dungeons will be in one place all the time.

    These are the dungeons we will add to the game earlier.

  • Dungeons to explore. The entrance will appear in a random place in the world of the game. Dungeons are sometimes large and sometimes small. With new opponents, bosses, diaries, stories, and random loot. These dungeons will be more varied - sometimes it will be a difficult challenge, and sometimes just a small basement with an interesting story.

    These dungeons will be added at a later date and maybe not included in this update.

  • Dungeon difficulty levels. Several difficulty levels for all dungeons, including solo ones. Before entering, you choose the difficulty yourself. The harder it is, the better the rewards and the higher the levels of enemies.
  • A tool for reporting offenders. If you meet an offender in the game world or in the chat, you can easily inform us about him by selecting the appropriate category: “Cheats/Using bugs”, “Bot program”, “Real money trading”, “Insults, excessive abuse”. This will help to better counteract violators and apply penalties.
Also, anvils and several other buildings and tools, dancing (woo-hoo!), bug fixes, additional packs rewards, sound effects and other changes will be added.

The auction will appear in the game in the next update (late April - early May). Development of the Auction will take a long time, so we decided to focus on adding new content first.

Thanks so much for the helps and support. We hope these changes will give you back the desire to play and enjoy more the game content, while adding much more than planned to be added to the game.


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