Can t Choose a game on my library

Sep 26, 2020
Hello, This weeks i m so bored and frustrated with all the game I have but i can t choose one to play, here is a exaple of what i have:
Batman Arkham Asylum and City
Splinter Cell Conviction and Blacklist
Spec Ops: The line
Metro 2033
Dead Space 1 and 2
FEAR 1, 2 and 3
Ghost Recon Future Solider
Rayman Legends
Close to the sun
Crysis 3
Medal of Honor

I can t choose any when i m in the mood to play, can someone help me?
It might help as to what you played last so that we can adjust accordingly.

if we're going with speed, probably pick medal of honor. If its the last one (the COD wannabe) pick that one first. The campaign is short. I finished it in a day.

It might help to play the oldest game first. Which one did you buy first out of that lot? Play that one.

I wouldn't recommend playing the entire series of a game. You'll burn out very quickly playing that way. Best to seperate/split to get some variety in.
Sep 26, 2020
It might help as to what you played last so that we can adjust accordingly.

if we're going with speed, probably pick medal of honor. If its the last one (the COD wannabe) pick that one first. The campaign is short. I finished it in a day.

It might help to play the oldest game first. Which one did you buy first out of that lot? Play that one.

I wouldn't recommend playing the entire series of a game. You'll burn out very quickly playing that way. Best to seperate/split to get some variety in.

Thanks a lot, but what would you recommend for a great story _?
I suppose spec ops the line. I enjoyed playing it and the story wasn't bad. Amnesia the dark descent is a horror/walking simulator and it practically lives and dies by plot/story + jump scares to get you through so there is that.

Metro 2033 was based around the book so if you're interested in an interesting setting and life in the metro after a nuclear war there is that one. Don't expect it to follow the book 100% though it reworks most of it to suit its needs. Still a good game.
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