Build To Respectfully Scorn Next-Gen Consoles

Jan 13, 2020
I have this strange, stubborn and largely useless compulsion to always keep my rig ahead of whatever passes off as a 'next gen' console.

I am certain that there are other malcontents and misfits like myself around (you know who you are, you play indies 90% of the time that could run on modified potatoes, but insist on running a 2080 Super or 2080 Ti just in case you become obsessed with Cyberpunk 2077) and I wanted to discuss the XB1SX and PS5 here.

On paper, what they promise, would take a 1.800$ PC (at least) to pull off (4K/60FPS/Ultra) . Theoretically they'll deliver all of that for 500-600$. So while we wait for actual benchmarks and reality to settle in, let's surrender to wild speculation and irresponsible, compulsive upgrading, like the true lost souls that we are.

I read that new consoles will be running on Zen 2. Seems reasonable to go for a B550-Zen 3 equivalent of the current 3700X chip. Theoretically, the improvement will leave next gen's CPU in the dust.

RAM will be RAM, our 32GB's will forever laugh at 16GB.

GPU's will be interesting. I'm curious whether a 2080 Super coupled with a fast Zen 3 will be able to compete with whatever modified RDNA 2 is in the boxes. If not, I'll be forced to go to Big Navi.

As to the over-hyped SSD's...I'm curious about some real live benchmarks, because the numbers that they are giving out right now, are ridiculous. We'd need the fastest NVMe PCIe 4.0 SSD to be up there with PS5's numbers and it just doesn't make any sense.

I'm too damn excited about this upcoming hardware season. So far, I've been prudent. Only ordered the B550 motherboard. Zen 3 is a done deal when announced but I'm on the fence about Big Navi and Ampere.
Jan 13, 2020
I think the SSD is probably the biggest wildcard for me. The PS5 supposedly uses a modified controller to allow streaming assets in real-time in such a way that doesn't currently exist with the available PC tech. I don't doubt that PCs will have access to much higher bandwidth (it's already available at crazy prices), but if the new games are built around the concept of streaming assets in such a way that PCs can't do as well, it could be a while before we can completely surpass console performance in every aspect. I'll believe it when I see it though.
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Jan 13, 2020
Also, with Zen 2 & RDNA 2 powering next gen consoles, it wouldn't be irrational to assume that all upcoming AAA games will be AMD-optimized/friendly. I'm curious as to how Nvidia and Intel will respond.
Feb 17, 2020
but insist on running a 2080 Super or 2080 Ti just in case you become obsessed with Cyberpunk 2077) and I wanted to discuss the XB1SX and PS5 here.
If anyone was legitimately planning hardware on the basis of Cyberpunk 2077, they would not have bought a 2080 ti, they'd have waited for next gen GPUs

RAM will be RAM, our 32GB's will forever laugh at 16GB.
No, the £60-80 in our wallets will laugh at the £60-80 absent from the wallets of people who bought 32gb for gaming. (outside of some extremely niche scenarios, which I mention because someone who fails to release they're dumber than a glass of water, always says something like "bUt CiTiEs SkYlInEs!")

Only ordered the B550 motherboard. Zen 3 is a done deal when announced
Wait, you bought the motherboard at a point where it is guaranteed not to ship with a compatible BIOS for Zen 3 (obvs). Are you using it in your current system in the meantime as a necessary upgrade? Otherwise it will just sit there so you can't test it to make sure it's not DOA, and it will also just be shedding months off its warranty for no advantage.

let's surrender to wild speculation and irresponsible, compulsive upgrading, like the true lost souls that we are.

Let's not. I mean really, let's not.

I can understand the excitement for hardware releases, and of course people can spend their cash how they see fit, but this topic is basically the definition of a bad plan for hardware upgrades and trying to make irresponsible spending sound edgy or wild or whatever it's supposed to be is frankly icky.

For anyone else reading this topic, do yourself a favour and:

1) Wait for X game to be released before buying hardware for it (otherwise you have no idea what to buy - and the hardware will have been superseded by the time the game launches too!)

2) Wait for hardware to be out and independently reviewed/benchmarked before buying

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