Dump conversion -
All 3 BSOD say -IO_ERROR: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000483 - The request failed due to a fatal device hardware error.
all 3 happened after info from storage is written into memory, and then cpu looks at ram and crashes. Ram is where drivers live.
Page fault - this is a normal operation of windows if the CPU needs to access info in ram
Hard page fault - this is where windows needs to access info on storage.
errors mentioned both types
Since windows 10 uses virtual memory, the actual location of the error could be on storage or ram. hence we look in both.
So what drive is windows on? maybe its not the hdd, could be but its same memory location in all 3 BSOD. It could be a driver as 1st error thinks its software
i know its an old device based on 2012 bios, but have you tried running
https://www.intel.com.au/content/www/au/en/support/intel-driver-support-assistant.html to see if any newer drivers, as your sata drivers are from 2015
newer versions of these might help =
were both sticks of ram in the pc when you got it? the cause could be ram
Try running
memtest86 on each of your ram sticks, one stick at a time, up to 4 passes. Only error count you want is 0, any higher could be cause of the BSOD. Remove/replace ram sticks with errors. Memtest is created as a bootable USB so that you don’t need windows to run it