A bit of an update guys. I've bin ponderin whether ta take home the GPU I bought last night at BB, which will be available for pickup Dec 2nd, or refund it in hopes they'll get the better version of the same within a few months. Clue, the one I bought has an 8 in the model number, the one I want has a 9.
I just spoke to a nice guy at BB via phone who's in their online sales dept and seemed to be a hardcore gamer and knew a lot about how the higher ups at BB do procurement. He said they should have the better models for at least another year. They are sold out right now, but still show at base price, whereas PNY and BHPhoto are showing it at $244 over base price.
He explained that since BB is so huge, they procure things as far in advance as possible, and why they can still show those base prices. I had asked him if there's any chance they might get those better models in stock by my max return date of Jan 13th, and since I also told him I can get by at least a few months more with my GTX 1080, he advised refunding the lesser model I bought when I go to pickup.
He ended by saying he wished he would've done like I did and wait instead of buying his 3090 Ti for $930. I know they went for a LOT higher, but that was with his BB discount, and shortly after they dropped considerably. So lesson learned, I didn't get round to tellin him this feller can't afford to learn the hard way on my budget, but no one wants to believe that when you're runnin round like Wiley Coyote buyin up ever thin you can!
So here's hopin Nvidia gets PNY those chips soon so I don't have ta wait sevral more months! I try to do my biz in a way that everone wins, meaning no one's stuck tryin ta sell a used GPU, and they at the same time have a pretty good one in stock that's gaining in popularity. I also feel I've earned the right ta get straight answers on the likelihood of continued stock, and this gentleman appeased!