Benchmark help

Dec 6, 2024
I've noticed in diffrent games i play and in this instance call of duty that my framerate tends to be low. i was wondering if anybody could help me with the specs below.

Cpu: Ryzen 7 2700x Bottle neck 11%
Gpu: Nvidia RTX 3050 Bottle neck 89%

Im pretty sure i need to a new Gpu but i dont know any so if thats case could i get some suggestions of good gpus ranging from 150-300$
Hi and welcome.

A quick way of finding out where the bigger limit on your frames is, is to lower the graphical settings and / or resolution to the lowest possible and see how many more frames youre getting. If its a lot then you would benefit more from a faster CPU rather than a GPU upgrade.

You can pick up a Ryzen 5600 or even a 5700X3d within that budget, which are both a lot faster than what you have now.
Dec 6, 2024
On call of duty i use a low setting settings for the most part and i average 60-70 frames
Sorry if I wasnt clear enough, it might be that your CPU is actually the thing that is slowing you down more in COD. This single player testing of BLOPS 6 shows the RTX 3050 hitting 44 FPS at the maximum settings at 1080p in single player. If youre hitting 50-60 with the very lowest settings it seems likely to me you are hitting a CPU 'bottleneck' in this game.

What version of COD are we talking about exactly? Multiplayer or single player?

What are your other full system specs?

Can you tell us roughly what happens to your FPS when you play on each of the lowest, medium, and high settings?

Any bottleneck calculator you are looking at should be ignored, it cant be calculated as any kind of %, you have to check it game by game and even then it varies depending on a lot of things.
Dec 6, 2024
I play multiplayer but the rest of my specs are:
16gb ram
Dell Inc. 0VYXHD motherboard
and i play on 1907GB TEAM TM8PS7002T (SATA (SSD))
and a 165 hz monitor
on high settings i probably played with around 40 fps and on medium roughly around 50-60 and then its around 55 - 70
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I play multiplayer but the rest of my specs are:
16gb ram
Dell Inc. 0VYXHD motherboard
and i play on 1907GB TEAM TM8PS7002T (SATA (SSD))
and a 165 hz monitor
on high settings i probably played with around 40 fps and on medium roughly around 50-60 and then its around 55 - 70

If the difference between medium and low is only a few FPS then its a good sign you are hitting your CPU limit more than the GPU in COD (Warzone).

Unfortunately as this is a Dell from what I can find you wont be able to upgrade the CPU as they didnt release a BIOS update to allow it as would be normal on a motherboard by any other manufacturer.

Also unfortunately its quite likely that it has a very low capacity power supply and/or limited space in the case to allow much of a GPU upgrade either, even if that would help you out.

Whats the exact model of the Dell you have, Inspiron XXXX?
Looks like it has a 460W PSU as standard.

So to sum up:

1. You are being limited by your CPU in COD. Dell hasnt released a new BIOS to allow any CPU upgrade. You have the fastest available.

2. You have a limited capacity power supply that may allow you to upgrade just about to something like an RTX 4060, provided there is physically enough space in the case for it. But it probably wont make much difference apart from letting you hit 50-60 FPS at high settings rather than at low.

At that point if it were me I would rather save my money towards a new system. This time using off the shelf parts that wont limit or complicate any potential future upgrades.
Dec 6, 2024
if i were to get a new system or build a pc myself could you recommend some parts that i could build a half decent pc with. i’ll keep my 3050 and i have an ssd i could put in the pc but im not the most knowledgeable so i would like to hear ur opinion.
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If youre confident its not too hard to build your own. Just find a basic build guide from LTT or Jayz2Cents on Youtube to help you along. Alternatively a local shop would probably put it together from you for a fee if you take the parts there.

PCPartPicker Part List

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 3.7 GHz 6-Core Processor ($112.99 @ Amazon)
CPU Cooler: Thermalright Burst Assassin 120 SE 66.17 CFM CPU Cooler ($20.90 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: MSI B550-A PRO ATX AM4 Motherboard ($109.99 @ Amazon)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws V 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-3600 CL16 Memory ($61.98 @ Newegg)
Case: Fractal Design Focus 2 ATX Mid Tower Case ($69.99 @ B&H)
Power Supply: Corsair CX650M (2021) 650 W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-modular ATX Power Supply ($64.98 @ Amazon)
Total: $440.83
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2024-12-18 10:07 EST-0500

Others probably know the very latest parts better than I do, but this is a good option for as little as possible right now IMO.

If you posted up how much you want to spend, and what country youre in people might weigh in with other options or I can put something else together. :)
Dec 6, 2024
honestly this seems great just 2 questions though.
if i were to bring all these parts plus my gps and ssd would the person making need any additional wires or cords or something of the sort or will just bring the parts and the case be fine.
also i was wondering how much fps do you think this build would run playing cod multiplayer or warzone at 1080p high settings
One thing worth considering is that I picked the above list based on the cheapest possible platform that is still decent today. If you wanted something you can drop a newer CPU into and had a bit more money to spare it might be worth considering a build using a Ryzen 7000 or 9000 series chip. The physical CPU socket on those motherboards is likely to be in use for another couple of generations, meaning they would be upgradeable maybe even in 5 years time with one of the latest chips if required.

If you went ahead with this build you would need to reinstall Windows which would also require you to format the SSD, might be the IT shop could do that for you. A Windows 11 Home license is around 100, but you can also run Windows without activating it for free, you'd still need to download it to a USB from MS.

The power supply and motherboard would have all the cables required with it. The case should have all the screws and parts needed in there too, and it comes with 2 fans.

Have a look on Youtube for comparisons between the Ryzen 2700x and the 5600(x). The 5600x is quite a bit faster but how much depends a lot on the game involved. The 3050 still isnt going to set the world on fire but at least it wont be held back by the older CPU anymore at lower settings and you'll be able to drop in a newer GPU at some point with that power supply.

Dec 6, 2024
this might be a dumb question but regarding the case i was looking at images and can’t locate the hdmi and display port slot
Dec 6, 2024
sorry for the inconvenience but i just realized that the case doesn’t have enough usb ports for my setup so can you send another suggestion with more ports please and thank you
Its not an inconvenience, I understand its pretty daunting and not easy to follow this stuff if youre not used to it. I would want to be sure as well.

How many USB do you need?

Cases in my experience usually have only a couple on the front, but the motherboard itself has 7 which you get to from the back of the case. 4 USB2.0 which are fine for mouse and keyboards and 3 faster ones.

Edit: Sorry was reading wrong info before.
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Dec 6, 2024
actually putting it like that i completely forgot about the motherboard usbs so ill be fine because i only need 6 for things like webcam, keyboard, mouse, etc


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