I am 66 years old and been a die hard gamer since 1981.
In 1981 i got the kit version of the zx81 complete with ram pack wobble.
In 1982 i got my first zx spectum i was in a lot of piracy groups where we would take it in turn to buy a game then hand it round . Yes i know it was wrong but back then everybody did it. By the time local shops stopped selling cassette based games for all machines ( see below ) i think i was one of the few people in my area that could actually say they had every spectrum game.
One day i went to my local town and virtually overnight all the shops had removed games and all the different games machines from their shelves i think it was some sort of marketing ploy because the only thing you could now buy were the sega consoles. One little independent shop did a roaring selling all the things that nobody else had until lack of supply meant he had to shut.
In 2002 i got my first pc and my first virus in 10 minutes because i did not actually know anyone else who had a pc.
As you can imagine i have seen lots of changes in all the different types of machines i have used and unless your around my age you wont know why i say that. My wife dont like games but she cried when she saw something that happened at the end of horizon zero dawn.
ZX81 ram pack wobble , spectrum R.tape load error , a device called a multiface clipped onto games machines , its main aim was to assist illegal copying BUT they got away with selling it because copying a game was only one of its many functions.
Nothing worked on another machine apart from the one it was supposed to work on , then a range of machine called msx came out and regardless of who made it , every game could be used on somebody else's machine. For some reason they never took off which is strange because in the wonderful world of pc's it does not matter who makes the machine you have.
I can remember a time when people would make fun of you if you said you played games , i hate the word PLAY , gaming is now more acceptable and i think this happened when the nintendo wee came out , when the novelty wore off they wanted something better so got a pc.
AND FINNALLY hi and low .
The high was mathew smith made jet set willy for every machine and was a millionaire at 17.
The low , richard sheppard made a game called transyvania tower , and wont disrespect him by saying what i thought of it but he could not handle the bad reviews and sadly he hung himself from a motorway bridge.