Recent content by ceaRshaf

  1. C

    Question Can real-time strategy come back from the brink of death?

    Actually, when Starcraft II refused to go freemium I have foreseen the downfall. But foreseen and done nothing indeed.
  2. C

    What was the first video game you remember playing?

    I think my first game was the one where you shoot the ducks on TV. Hehe, what good old, simpler, times.
  3. C

    The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim or Online?

    Didn't get to play Skyrim but TES online is an amazing game. And it's quite relaxing for me, exactly what I need.
  4. C

    Question What is the game you are expecting the most?

    I want that Lord of the Rings MMO from Amazon. I tried installing my old LOTRO, but the visuals. I can't get past the visuals. :(
  5. C

    Question Can real-time strategy come back from the brink of death?

    It needs to be reinvented. The old school way is not suitable for today's style of gaming and gamers. I was there Gandalf, when Starcraft II came out. I saw Esports grow, Twich being born. I saw everything.
  6. C

    Sacrificing visuals and graphics in favor of gameplay and smoothness.

    I would be lying if I would say I don't look at visuals first. Also, good visuals have a better chance of hiding design flaws behind theme.
  7. C

    What was your best childhood GAME

    Stronghold. Then Starcraft: Broodwar. I guess I like strategy games a lot :D
  8. C

    Has your trust in AAA publishers diminished ?

    Very much so. I remember 5 years ago I had a discussion with a friend that said to me that even Blizzard can fail, and I said YES, but in order to really fail it needs to do A LOT of bad moves. Boy oh boy...looking at Blizzard right now... I regret seeing them fall like that like no other...
  9. C

    Are game instruction booklets dying?

    Most games get a lot of patches and reworks so that booklet or manual becomes obsolete really fast.
  10. C

    Games you just couldn't get into

    World of Warcraft. Granted I skipped the initial hype and now, a decade later or more I can't find the joy of playing it. My friends always tell me the end game is where it's at, but I can never get there out of boredom. However, I really like the universe.
  11. C

    The last game you completed

    I think Alien Isolation. Best 20 hours of my horror gaming life.
  12. C

    Question Game recommendations after Cyberpunk 2077

    Satellite Reign is a cool cyberpunk game.