Worst "oof" moments you've ever had gaming


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We're all human, and humans make mistakes from time to time. Whether it's Fuze-ing the hostage in Rainbow Six: Siege, accidentally healing Fane to death in Divinity: Original Sin 2, or accidentally pressing the wrong button and gunning down innocent townsfolk instead of merely trying to start a conversation in Red Dead Redemption 2, we've all had a few of these "oof" moments. Share yours here!

This is the clip that inspired me to start this thread. The game is Escape from Tarkov and while managing his inventory the guy accidentally discards/destroys a money case with 8.76 MILLION RUBLES in it! (For those who don't play that's 10s of hours of game time to accumulate that wealth).

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/ex5940/the_best_tarkov_player_i_am_the_wizard_joseph/
Feb 6, 2020
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Most of my moments probably come from Ark. Flying around on whatever bird and press E accidentally....long fall to the ground and a pain trying to get my bird back. Also, forgetting to put some tames on passive, then watching them charge off to attack and ultimately die .
Okay, this isn't necessarily my biggest oof, but it is a chain of oofs that are quite humorous. So funny even my dad, who hates video games with a passion, laughed at it.

So, I'm playing Assassins Creed: Origins. It's early in the game and I'm on a boat and I come across some bandits on a boat. I figure I was gonna take 'em as one does with bandits in most games. So I start sailing towards them with the intent of killing them. They shoot a fire arrow at me and set my boat on fire. My boat burns and I'm all wet.

Bandits: 1 - Me: 0

So later I'm back on a boat. I come across bandits on a boat. This time I have fire arrows. Time for my revenge. I draw back my bow loose the fire arrow. Except the hit box on the boat is bigger than it would appear. I wasn't aiming at the bandits boat. It appeared I was aiming at their boat but I was aiming at my own mast. The arrow hits my mast and my boat burns and I'm all wet...again.

Bandits: 1 - Big Hit Boxes: 1 - Me: 0

I'm on a boat. Bandits on a boat. You know the drill. This time I aim well away from my mast and have a clear shot at the bandits boat. I loose my fire arrow right into the bandits boat. The bandits boat catches fire. Victory! Or maybe not. The bandits were close and their now burning boat rams into my boat. Boat burns, I'm wet.

Bandits: 2 - Big Hit Boxes: 1 - Me: ½

Me on boat. Bandits on boat. Sound familiar yet? This time I cleanly set the bandits boat on fire and not mine. Revenge!

Bandits: 2 - Big Hit Boxes: 1 - Me: 1½

Delighted I set ashore on a small island with hippos. I need hippo skins. Let me collect some hippo skins. I land my boat right next to another boat on the shore. Forgetting I still had fire arrows active I quick shot a hippo. The hippo catches fire. It panics and starts running around. No, it panics and starts running towards me. No, it panics and starts running towards the water, I'm just in the way. I jump out of the way in time. The boats are also in the way. The boats fail to jump out of the way in time. The hippo runs into the boats. The boats catch on fire. The hippo is wet and no longer on fire. At least I'm not wet. I am forgetful though. I forgot that there were other hippos I made angry and that they weren't on fire and not running towards the water. It didn't take them long to finish me off.

Bandits: 2 - Big Hit Boxes 1 - Hippos: 3 (me and 2 boats) - Me 1½

Winner: Hippos.
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
[...]accidentally healing Fane to death in Divinity: Original Sin 2, or accidentally pressing the wrong button and gunning down innocent townsfolk instead of merely trying to start a conversation in Red Dead Redemption 2[...]
Jupp, that would be me for sure. Killed Fane to many times to count, not to mention blowing up barrels to close to my group and standing in wrong pools of fire, acid, and similar nastiness to bring my group to an early death. In RD2 I have been lucky not to accidentally be starting too many fights, but I do have to mention the insane amount of times I put myself (and often horse) to an early grave by galloping my horse off a cliff or into some bloody rock!

Every damn time I died stupidly in Dark Souls with 100k's souls and then died again even more stupidly because I wanted to get them back fast.
I could write a book on how many times I have done that.

Other than that:
  • Trying to make a perfect stealthy run in any Hitman game only to get caught at the end.
  • Meeting Jack Baker in Resident Evil 7 and frantically trying to get away from his shovel only to get squashed like a bug.
  • Accidentally running over a civilian in any GTA game or failing a heist in online mode just at the end.
  • Wiping a 40-man raid in WoW classic because of aggroing whelps.
  • Selling an expensive item to a vendor in WoW and trying to remember which vendor I sold it to.
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My whole gaming experience is a series of "oofs", so it's hard to pick just one example. The one that comes to mind was in an FPS (was along time ago, so I'm not sure which one) when our entire team was in a small control room and I tried to press "F" to swap something out, but pressed "G" for tossing a grenade instead.

And there have been countless times when I've tried to throw a grenade out a window or something only to have it bounce off something and come back into the room with me.

My son and I were playing Rainbow Six Vegas, and he kept setting off C4 and accidentally killing this bot named Juan. To this day, I frequently will use the phrase, "Don't kill Juan" when we're about to do something dangerous.


Venatus semper
And there have been countless times when I've tried to throw a grenade out a window or something only to have it bounce off something and come back into the room with me.

I've done that so many times when playing with explosives (in games); trying to be sneaky or clever and get the drop on a group of enemies by chucking a grenade out of a window (or off a roof and hitting a railing), resulting in blowing myself up . Seemed to happen a lot to me in Fallout New Vegas, and to a lesser extent in Fallout 4. I've even done it with grenade and/or missile launcher.

Instead of my biggest oof, im just gonna go with my latest one and that is....breaking a controller. Always the biggest oof to me is breaking something out of raging, and i did that, im ashamed but its a HUGE OOOF to me.

I've done that too, though not recently, but I used rage quit at times when I was younger. I do remember slamming a few mice in those days, some getting completely destroyed. Now if I do have a moment of rage at dying for the umpteenth time, I just get up, walk away and punch something non-breakable. Probably best that I live alone.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Guys, don't fret about the grenade mishaps, that's a gaming rite of passage. Isn't it? It better be, or I'm not as grown-up as I think.

That cliff doesn't look too steep, should be able to…

Okay, I'm done with this gorgeous view, time to wingsuit down near that enemy outpost.
What's the wingsuit key, again?

Heh heh, I've snuck in really close to this base, now for some stealth arrow work.
Where the heck did that tiger come from?

Why am I flying upside down? Why is the mountain still right-side up?

Let's show these guys what this chopper is made of…
What, when did they get air defenses?!?

Final goal: you need 1,000 wood.
But, but I just demolished the sawmill, I thought…

That jump looks easy…
That cliff doesn't look too steep, should be able to…

That jump looks easy…

It's even worse when you know the cliff is there, you know you should avoid it, but you still walk right over the edge in the middle of combat. Or even worse, you fall down just because you were in a hurry and got careless for a second trying to cut a corner.
Oh hey, you're on my team, right?

My son and I were playing Fortnite right after it came out, and one time he and I had gone down this hill and were searching the same one room building when suddenly I realized that the other player wasn't my son. We'd been running together for awhile. I bet he was surprised when I opened fire. Probably thought I was someone else too.

We played Fortnite until we won a game (about a dozen tries) and then never went back. I bet it's changed a lot since then.
Okay, I'm done with this gorgeous view, time to wingsuit down near that enemy outpost.
What's the wingsuit key, again?

I could talk all day about the dumb things I do in games.

I can't tell you how many times in Far Cry games that I've leapt off of something, activated my wingsuit, and immediately slammed into a tree or the side of a mountain.

But these are the sort of things that make Far Cry great. It's sort of a mishap simulator. My son always wants to drive or pilot in these games. It was either in 5 or New Dawn that he knew that I hadn't unlocked the parachute yet, so he would get us up to 20k feet and jump out of the plane.

One of the funniest times we had was in 5 when he was flying us somewhere in a plane, and when he landed, the plane was leaning vertically against a tree with it's nose in the ground. We got out of the plane and killed the baddies or whatever it was we were supposed to do there, and we were headed to try to find a car, when an NPC plane came down and landed exactly the way my son had landed, with the nose stuck in the ground, leaned up against a tree, tail in the air. My son yelled, "Hey, it's a fellow pilot! We went to the same flight school!"

Probably had to be there, but it left me laughing for quite awhile.

Ubisoft always does a good job of making NPC's say things that I find funny, too. In Watch Dogs Legion, I had highjacked a drone, jumped on top and started flying off when I heard some guy yell, "Look at that fu*****g moron!" Or in the first Ghost Recon when my son drove us off a cliff, and we fell about 150 meters and then rolled over about 15 times. When the car finally came to a stop, one of the characters simply said, "Sh*tballs." The sudden calm cursing killed me. Your pirate crew was pretty funny in AC4, too, always commenting when I jumped off the ship or did something else that would be dumb in real life.
That may be the best pithy summary I've ever read about the FC series!

The crazy unexpected stuff is always fun.

I always find Ubisoft AI driving fun, too. In FC4 I was standing by the road and some NPC swerved and ran over me then stopped the vehicle, put it in reverse and ran over me again. And in 5 Hurk backed over me before driving off of a cliff in his dad's car that we'd just recovered. One time I let him pilot a helicopter. That ended in a fireball, as you would expect.
I always find Ubisoft AI driving fun, too. In FC4 I was standing by the road and some NPC swerved and ran over me then stopped the vehicle, put it in reverse and ran over me again. And in 5 Hurk backed over me before driving off of a cliff in his dad's car that we'd just recovered. One time I let him pilot a helicopter. That ended in a fireball, as you would expect.

There are some really funny moments playing FC. In FC5 I had an NPC slam into the back of a car, which started on fire, and shortly after he angrily got out of the car the car exploded, sending him soaring into the air.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Oofed in Far Cry 5 last night.

My GFH and I were being hunted by a plane, which had already answered the exploratory Q "What can a little ol' plane do to us?" So we were careful to take cover, which got annoying, so I decided to see if I could snipe the pilot.

Didn't work while he flew across us, but when he turned and came at us straight for a strafing run, pop—got him!

I was chuffed at that, and stood admiring my handiwork as the plane dropped from the sky. For some reason, it didn't register where exactly the plane was going to crash…
Got both of us, so neither could revive the other—double OOF :D