Leo237 Feb 1, 2022 1 0 10 Feb 1, 2022 #152 I would name it Sweetie so I could say "here, Sweetie!" and my enemies would be intimidated when an undead drake showed up
I would name it Sweetie so I could say "here, Sweetie!" and my enemies would be intimidated when an undead drake showed up
Withywarlock Nov 26, 2021 111 299 970 Feb 5, 2022 #158 Larloch, after my favourite Lich from the Forgotten Realms setting. He was always polite to the goddess of magic, Mystra, and would engage in conversation with trapped adventurers before putting them to death.
Larloch, after my favourite Lich from the Forgotten Realms setting. He was always polite to the goddess of magic, Mystra, and would engage in conversation with trapped adventurers before putting them to death.