Question Which game studios/devs should team up? And why?

Feb 25, 2025
Saw it got announced last night that Swery of Deadly Premonition fame and Suda (No More Heroes, Lollipop Chainsaw!!) are working together on a new roguelite called Hotel Barcelona. Pretty awesome to see such high profile devs working together in a public way like that. Something you don't see all the time?


Got my thinking: who would be your dream dev collab?

Personally I would love to see Kojima consulting with other studios from time to time - I think the experiments could be interesting.

Anyway, what do you think?
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Community Contributor
I don't know, it seems hard to predict. I don't know who's responsible for what in a game. Even with Kojima, I can see a lot of similarities between Metal Gear games and Death Stranding, but what ideas are from Kojima himself? What starts with him then gets expanded by others on the team? What things just didn't work with the rest of the team that might have worked with another team? <shrug>

It's probably easier to figure out if you stick with the really small teams - but I don't know many of those.
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Jul 6, 2024
Would be interesting to see what could Owlcat (who are good at writing) and Larian (who make great combat in rpg's) do together. Sadly, not in this reality.
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You all know i am a die hard satisfactory gamer and i personally would like to see the makers of 100+ milestones mod work together with CSS who make satisfactory to avoid any problem when the game is updated. The mod actually has more content in it than the main game and the reason i know this is because i tried it on my first ever playthrough.

I think the sticky brown stuff hit the fan after update 6 , i saw the main game was getting an update and when i launched it all my modded items were gone and i dont mean stopped working , i had huge blank spaces on my world where things should have been.

Some players say its possible to stop an update trashing mods but wont say why.
A couple of guys on steam told me to ***** on the discussions page because i asked how to do it.
The next day i got banned cos i said you guys are 2 faced cos you tell players main game only discussions and then i see you talking to others about mods.
I'd like the team that made The Division games in Ubisoft to team up with some kind of zombie shooter team, maybe Rebellion, to make a Division like shooter with zombies or demons or Cthulhu type enemies.

When The Division first released its underground content, fighting in sewers and such, it kinda felt like that's what Hellgate: London should have been like. Just replace military enemies with demons and I think it would bad ass.
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