Whats the most boring game you ever played

To start the ball rolling i will nominate Dominator Idle on steam .... over the last 41 years i have played some really naff games but this on tops the chart , yes i have done some idle games on my tablet so i know how idle clicker type games work.

I looked at a video on youtube ( and left a comment ) to see if i was missing something ... no i was not ...

I played the game for 10 minutes and oft it.

FOOTNOTE ..... my comments wont effect sales cos its free
Jan 20, 2023
Operation Harsh Doorstep definitely was one of the most boring games I’ve ever played. Just running around clicking things until they die with no feedback or guidance. A close second would be Titan Chaser, which seemed like a cool idea but it was really unpolished and there was zero direction.


On a Journey
To start the ball rolling i will nominate Dominator Idle on steam ....

its in early access and it seems it needs work still from one video I found of it, as it appears its broken in some ways

looks at comment on video... oh, i see you...

So maybe wait for it to be finished and see if its still boring.

It doesn't look overly interesting now but as I said, Work In Progress... maybe... though its early access period is only 2 weeks... so maybe not.

I can't think of any boring games off top of head. Some might come to me later but I generally just reject them and only remember the games I liked. Some games can have boring annoying parts... but an entire game being boring? I would have stopped playing before then. Books... now, they I might get to end of a boring one (hoping end makes up for it), but not a game.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
I can't remember the name—no surprise, I have trouble remembering the games I like!—but there was a Point n Click adventure over a decade ago where you had to keep retracing your steps as you made progress. Found the key? Now trudge back to Area 7 where the locked door is.

And I mean 'trudge'. Sprint? Run? Walk faster? Fuhgeddaboudit! That got so old so fast, yuck.

Another is probably colored by being a huge disappointment, and mostly boring by comparison—Crysis 2. I still replay half of both Crysis and the standalone expansion Warhead to this day, they're so good—open world FPS in the Far Cry mold, which is no surprise since they're from Crytek, the original Far Cry dev.

So I was really looking forward to Crysis 2—I probably bought it at or near launch back in 2011. But, no open world. If I recall correctly, its gameplay was dumbed down and constricted so the game could run on consoles. I've made 3 different attempts to play it over the years, but it's gone in the Well of Shattered Dreams now.

Standard closed world stuff—clear this street, good job; now clear the next one. Yeah, no, yawn.


On a Journey
Walking simulators are trying to hide themselves as real games now
Gollum looks like a walking sim... but its just bad in general
viewfinder is a walking sim that hides its identity with puzzles... lots of them do actually.
At least the last one might be fun the first time through.

I have yet to play one. Though Journey is a sliding sim... I never would call it boring. Unless you alone and can't find anyone... then its less interesting and lonely. Probably reason I am yet to buy it on PC. Its community isn't as numerous here. I prefer to remember it when it was more alive.

To me, the concept of a farming simulator sounds boring but I never played one... as playing non fun games isn't my idea of a good use of time.


On a Journey
Easy one for me. Final Fantasy 13

i remember playing FF13 on PS3. I remember restarting it and instead of watching all the cut scenes, skipped almost all of them and got way further than if I had watched them. Half the game seemed to be cut scenes.

It took too long to stop being corridors and actually give you an open world area.

This would have bored me as most of game is cut scenes. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Order:_1886

I could annoy lots of people but any game with too much dialogue and not enough action bores me. So pretty much most of the big story driven games go right over my head... Skyram? nope... Mass Effect? nope. I don't like games where story gets in the way of fun.
I'm going to also add any games with serious grind to succeed. Most notably JRPGS. Only way to succeed is to build a decent team with high enough stats to survive attacks or have a chance of lasting long enough to win. The constant random encounters adds irritation on top of tedium for good measure.

Too often i had to just randomly walk around a dungeon taking out low tier mobs so that i can level up and get another level on my characters or grind for resources. I can give some notable games:

Shin Megami tensei strangers journey - Couldn't defeat the final boss. i have a long list of criticisms of this game, but grinding is probably one of them.

The etrian odyssey series - Progress is measured in inches/metres with limited resources, health etc every trip to the dungeon(s) means lots of backtracking/ mapping out areas. oh and to add insult to injury, the game intentional throws out high threat monsters to patrol dungeons and they are intentionally of a much higher level.
So im just gonna go on the most recent game i found to be boring for me and that is Lord of The Rings: Gollum . I had the privilege of getting it free. I played this for all of about 1 hour and its just boring and tiresome and feels like im playing a game from the late 2000s. I saw this said in a review and they are 100% spot on. Even as a LoTR fan i felt the story was kinda flat, but thats not what ruined the game. I love the fact that the elves speak elvish in the game but i didnt come across much before i stopped playing. I like PCGs review more than others because it is LoTR with characters you know and gollum being gollum, but the gameplay is so bad.
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On a Journey
So im just gonna go on the most recent game i found to be boring for me and that is Lord of The Rings: Gollum . I had the privilege of getting it free.
You couldn't pay me to play that. I don't see myself as someone who is sucked in by graphics but that game just looks bad. I tried to watch a review and couldn't make it past 9 minutes. The gameplay isn't interesting... I rate it -10 out of 20.
I'm going to also add any games with serious grind to succeed. Most notably JRPGS.

Absolutely agreed. When I started playing Final Fantasy VIII as an 8-year old it looked really cool. For some reason I really wanted to finish that game, but every time I played it I would get bored, usually before the second disc. About 20 years after I first played the game I finally finished it by ignoring all side content and not leveling at all (which is somehow the optimal strategy) and it still felt like a massive waste of time when I was done.

MMORPGs are just as bad. There's a ton of grinding, the gameplay is mediocre at best, the quests are 90% uninspired fetch or kill quests and the narrative often clashes with the fact that there's a thousand other players doing the exact same thing as you, destroying any sense of immersion.


Community Contributor
MMORPGs are just as bad. There's a ton of grinding, the gameplay is mediocre at best, the quests are 90% uninspired fetch or kill quests and the narrative often clashes with the fact that there's a thousand other players doing the exact same thing as you, destroying any sense of immersion.
The mighty Nether Dragon is coming for us all! You must stop it, or we'll all perish! Now please wait in a line over there for your turn to kill it. <eye roll>

Thank you City of Heroes and Anarchy Online for instancing.