What would happen if Netflix Geralt were played by CDPR Geralt?


Community Contributor
I cobbled together some things from Github and made my own face swapper. Then I got a gif from Netflix and a picture of CDPR Geralt and swapped the faces.
Original Gif

Plus a picture of Geralt

And you get "real" Geralt


Added 3 different AI post processing programs before I found one that "un-cartooned" him :) GFPGAN did the trick.


Community Contributor
And the voice! Gotta have that!

I'm afraid you'll run into copyright issues galore, though, with modern day actors. But who says you need to stick to them? John Wayne could play that part!
For my game, I meant hiring my own actors. After all, they have to be saying what I wrote.

If you were talking about making a full Witcher episode, I wouldn't post it online. It would just be for me. I'm pretty aware of what you can and cannot do with other people's works.


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