Question What tools are required to mine ores and stones?


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
With a PhD in Geology, I feel I can give you some hard-hitting advice:

Firstly, you need to find out what type of mineral you are going to mine, what metallurgical stage you are in, and what mining technique you want to use. To help you on the way:

  • For flint/chalcedony, amber, jadeite, calcite, steatite, or obsidian I would recommend using a horn/bone hammer or stone pick.
  • For jade, lapis, marble, copper arsenates, and oxides, I would recommend using stone hammers or mauls.
  • For copper ores or stone alabaster, any copper pick/hammer will do fine.
  • For tin, iron, galena, or argentiferous ores: a stone or metal pick.
  • For noble metal ores, a good metal pick is what you need.
  • For magnetites, hematites, pyrites, chromite, oolithic, and limonite ores, a copper, bronze, or iron pick/hammer will work well.
Hope you got some solid advice and good luck on your many mining journeys ahead!
Last edited:
May 22, 2022
I prefer to call it by its English name, Mind Crap.
hmmm, ok... maybe this is all I have to say for mein krap. 🧠🤣


On a Journey
op probably never return. We get a lot of people who post and never get the answers they expect. Most of the times that isn't because thread has gone off the rails as much as this but more the person who tried to post a link or video found they couldn't.

Its possible op tried to attach a link or video on their original post, I have no way of telling. Sometimes what they say makes it obvious something is missing.

Could be they wanted to link to this - link - which is my guess. Up until a year ago we used to get lots of posts about that game... now none. Its nice.
May 22, 2022
op probably never return. We get a lot of people who post and never get the answers they expect. Most of the times that isn't because thread has gone off the rails as much as this but more the person who tried to post a link or video found they couldn't.

Its possible op tried to attach a link or video on their original post, I have no way of telling. Sometimes what they say makes it obvious something is missing.

Could be they wanted to link to this - link - which is my guess. Up until a year ago we used to get lots of posts about that game... now none. Its nice.
a lot of... minecraft posts? 🤨

but yeah, I also understand the thing about forums and QnA too. sometimes it's really hard to find some obscure data on the internet.
like this obligatory XKCD post.
xkcd: Wisdom of the Ancients